i’ve been sewing away up here in the little cottage on the little hill in NELA (north east LA). sew sew sew
and i’m getting somewhere.
my next online class has been blossoming in my mind. stitch by stich filling up every corner. i’m on my 5th class sample and am in the one-idea-leads-to-another stage.
i’ve had class ideas before that don’t lead anywhere, except dead ends, one-way streets. these i don’t mention here on the blog, i just let them fizzle out.
but this idea is in full on LAUNCH mode. like a packet of good yeast it grows on it’s own and keeps me fed with a river of ideas.
i’m thinking about it constantly. while on my morning walk yesterday. on my way to and from school each day.
luckily it’s a 3-day weekend. for once i’m staying put. hammering out the plans. diagrams, flow charts, notes. figuring things out.
hoping to have all of this idea building result in an official online class announcement by early june.
Just what I will need…
Sitting on my tuckus here waiting for your next exciting class.
aw thanks sharon!
I hope that is a quite exuberant batch of yeast. Can’t wait to see the loaf. Hopefully with butter. And jam.
still rising! butter & jam at the ready 🙂
Hooray! You had me at the sneek peeks!
I must must must get over my fear of the sewing machine…… the bobbin thing-a-ma -jiggy always confounds me. Maybe I will just work with it for a few days…until I can thread needles and rewind bobbins in my sleep! Can’t wait for the roll-out!
sue, go look on youtube for bobbin videos. i just watched one today on how to trim my cuticles. always find the best how-to’s on the youtube!
I forget there are “practical” reasons for a craft-monkey to watch youtube videos. Will do!
Yes yes Yes! Ready to roll!!!!
waving to you from NELA!!!
Oh, please hurry up! 🙂
Seriously huge Yay!!!!
Hope it starts end of June while I’m on holidays off work at school.
Yes!!! Can’t wait.
JUNE! Oh my goodness. Do you know that it is already almost June. I will be yellin’ from the rooftops – MAM has a new class out 😀 So super excited. Keep up the good work. Did I tell you that I am way super excited. Okay, now I am breathing in and out. No more yelling with excitement, until I see another Instagram or Blog post. Have a GREAT 3 day weekend! I will now.
why thank you brenda for that awfully nice burst of enthusiasm!
in. so in.
hi judy!!
Oh!!!! This sounds good — I can’t wait — but first I need to learn how to thread my sewing machine…..
supah dupah easy!
Hooray for your creative process! We can hardly wait to see what you have for us! We can all take a lesson from you as you bring ideas to life. Way to go MAM!
Ahhhh RUMINATION and ILLUMINATION! Looking forward to the culmination of your mind expansion! No, seriously, I am excited to see what you are up to. I like what I am hearing and seeing so far!
I am excited to see what the class offering is. This looks like it is right up my alley! Carry on, and I know you are having a great time. xo
oh yes i am!!