It’s officially official. I’m retiring in 150 more school days. After 28 years full-time in the classroom putting out fires, and sitting through the most asinine weekly professional development meetings I’ve about reached my limit. But wait! There’s more! Maybe it’s worse when you know there’s an end in sight. Those of you who’ve retired from stressful jobs will have to let me know if the days will be speeding up soon.
I have my pension meeting with the state retirement system tomorrow.
Today in the classroom I told the kids about the time machine in the closet. One of my boyz sat in my chair when I was across the room and when I came back I pushed him around for a bit going “whee!” The entire class roared with laughter. I also pretended to see something horrifying outside the windows and everyone looked. Gotcha! I threw a pile of papers to be graded in the trash after school and left school 14 minutes after the dismissal bell rang.
I wrote the first paragraph of this post the other night after an agitating PD earlier in the day. The bee left my bonnet and was replaced by giddiness today. Thank goodness nothing lasts forever.