there is a fine carpet of snipped threads covering my floors. i just finished cleaning my studio closet and pulling out the tripod, extender arm, camcorder, and various other odds and ends i’ll need for filming.
someone’s got a class to record!
all of my class samples are completely finished. wish i could show them right this second, but for now can only reveal snippets. in about 2 weeks i’ll launch the website which will have a detailed class description, along with photos and a promo video. you can think of the class as the new 2017 version of REMAINS OF THE DAY. sewn books of scraps, but different.
if you’ve got an urge to use up some of those scraps you’ve been hoarding now’s the time! from ledger paper to postcards, stamps, sketches, ANYTHING goes!
i’m using a super inexpensive brother sewing machine from wal-mart. THIS one. it’s been my only machine for the last 4-5 years. i don’t necessarily recommend it, but it gets the job done. nowadays there are plenty of machines under $75 that can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’. whatever you have will probably be fine, unless it’s a cadillac. it would be a shame to ruin a nice machine. ya know?
I am stoked to see what this class will offer. I hope you do a you tube preview? I have a hot smokin’ computerized cadillac, and honestly, that baby does everything but cook dinner. And, I can do anything I want on it =) I also have Model T and that one is my go-to if I am not sure what a result would be sewing different stuff. But my Cadillac, worth every penny and I figure, well…I can’t take it with me =)
A cadillac machine should be able to handle whatever you throw at it. I have an ancient Sears Kenmore (all metal guts ) that works beautifully and has for 42 years. Seriously, there are a lot of old machines out there that are not being used. Check garage sales, repair shops, thrift stores etc and give an orphan sewing machine a new home and purpose.
ROTD is my favorite of all your classes too; it was really ‘the one’ that got me excited about travel journaling. So excited about this!
Mary Ann,
I’m seriously excited!!! Remains of the Day was my very favorite class and I have continued to make those journals ever since… i love the way those journals looks when they are filled up. Sewn bits and threads pushing out the edges. They just look so amazing and yummy. Can’t wait for a new structure that will have those sewn pages!!!
Can’t wait. I have a Singer Genie and he’s ready to come out and play.
yippee skippie hi ho hi ho it’s off the land ‘o Miss Moss I go. I am thrilled and over the moon about this. ROTD was hands down my favorite class right next to FTB so me thinks I need to join in on the fun. I got enough scraps that would probably get to your doorstep If I had a mind to take a really, really long walk. 😉
ROTD was my entree into the wonderful world of Mary Ann Moss. I have eagerly taken and lived every single MAM class, but ROTD was my first and it will always be my favorite. I had never used a sewing machine but i bought the one MAM uses and I had that thing running full speed every night. I’m so excited to sew some paper again…i cannot wait!!! Yay! Thank you Mary Ann for saving summer! ❤️❤️❤️
it’s gonna be a fun summer of sewing paper!
This is great news, I love your classes! Still working my way through Sketchbookery and LOVING IT.
This all looks so yummy! I really need to get my sewing machine working again, I’ve screwed up the tension somehow. Either that or buy a new machine! 😉
damned tension! the most confounding problem by far…
Ooooooooh, I can’t wait!!!!
How exciting! ROD journals are still my favorite to make. I look forward to the new version!
How exciting! I was perusing old classes and considering re-enrolling in one for some summer fun. You do inspire my dear! Our Gussies group recently had a weekend away that got my creative juices going. Life had kind of had them buried. Or at least going in different directions. I’d been trying to make my way back to them and a long weekend surrounded by my creative tribe was just the thing. A class would be the perfect boost.
I saw that gorgeous location you were at with the view of the water on IG! how good it is to spend time in the company of other creative women. how good…
Wonderful, can’t wait! I’m in need of a Mary Ann Moss class “fix”
Can hardly wait! I love the several ROTD projects I have completed — this will give me the kick in the rear to do more!
So ready for this! xox
I missed ROTD because I discovered you later, so this is my redemption! Woot! Woot!
stitchbookery here we come
hootin and hollerin over “stitchbookery” !!!!
Oh, I am excited! I never finished Remains of the Day, but loved it! You have such a knack of combining the papers so beautifully!
oh thank you sharon!