i stopped online gouache class production long enough to draw some fruit. still don’t have a proper name for class. my iphone doesn’t want to download to my computer which is a major pain in the tuchus. i also can’t charge on my computer…so possibly a faulty cable connection. i’ve ordered a new one, but for now i have to charge in my chariot.
i am dying to hightail it out of town. walk on the beach. listen to the ocean. watch the sun rise from the shore. ride a cable car in lisbon. listen to the call of prayer in istanbul. my feet want to wander.
i completed another blurb book. will share when it arrives. a trip from 2011.
been listening to prince a lot. sad face.
my peach tree put out too much fruit and i’m afraid the branches will break. i should have picked off the excess fruit a month ago, but i just noticed. there must be 100 peaches on my little tree. which means i should pick off half… right? or wrong? i’ll leave it to the experts to advise. that’s where YOU come in.
i finished elizabeth is missing and started when i found you. what are you reading? how are your peaches?
i am here. sending out smoke signals into the dark night. let me know if you see one.
I’m a bit behind in my blog reading so this from the land of all things purple; one who lives in Prince’s home state, saddened is all I can share, a little bit heart broken at the loss of someone’s music I literally grew up with, being the same age. Prince rocks my humble abode since his passing and our local news coverage is still a priority. I’ve been to Paisley Park, long before a fence was erected around it, a few years after he had it built. I quite accidentally found myself inside it’s walls, a few strides in I found myself facing a lovely young women who was sitting behind a very neat and tidy small white desk. I walked towards her and almost as soon as I did, I figured out where I was. The light bulb in my brain went on. You see I lived quite nearby at the time, just a few miles away. It was 1988 and at the time I was recovering from a work related injury and had been trying to find new employment so I had been visiting local businesses inquiring as to whether or not they were hiring. This was back in the olden days before the internet, Linkedin, and Monster existed. You either cold called, looked in the want ads, or went door to door to find a job which was what I did. I had visited several business located near Paisley Park which does not have any signs saying what it is just an assuming, huge white structure and to me I just figured it was a business. I drove into the parking lot, parked and walked right on in the front door, but as soon as I looked at the walls, saw the rows of framed gold albums, I knew where I was. I literally just stopped and stared. I smiled at the young woman when she said to me “may I help you?’ and I told her the truth and we both had a laugh over it. I spent a few minutes admiring the walls and then left feeling quite blissed out over my misguided adventure that day. It is my one and true only encounter with the puprle one and it’s a memory I will forever cherish. If I had a over blossoming peach tree, I’d be making peach pies I think and enjoying every last bite. 😉
I read this as ‘my peaches runneth free’ with Prince guitar sound effects. Somebody hide Stevie Nicks! It’s been a rather awful year for rock n roll, but a fine year for peaches. Glad to see that!
Delicious paintings! No peaches here, except the kind that come buried in my Greek yogurt. But the trees are starting to redden up. Kate’s Peach Pruning 101 class is good. Love the 1st photo with paint ‘n pear.
Hi Mary Ann
any name you choose from all of the above or something totally new. … Doesn’t matter i am going to take it anyway! Gouache a gogo or whatever.
Don’t know if it’s been suggested already but how about Oh My Gouache! for your new class.
I was worried when I saw your title about peaches and the first two pictures were a pear and tomatoes . I thought poor girl she has gone daft on us. Whew as I read on. We will all wait, even if it takes forever for your classes. You do know that, don’t you ?!!!!!! Your sweet peach tree needs supports for the branches for sure Lucky you. By the way Washington state is a great place to travel. Come see me!!!!
Yummy! Both your peaches and your new class. Can’t wait. How about Destination Gouache, or Gouache It, or Gotta Gouache, or Gouache Rain (cause I love Prince), Gouache-a-mole, Gouache for Desperate Sketchbookers, Gouache with Cocktails, Gouache My Sketchbook, Going Gouache….so many many choices. Whatever you call it I know the class will be a blast!
Gouachery. Gouachetastic. Gouache Mosh. Gouachebookery. Can’t wait MJM!
Wonderful! Where will be start the gouache workshop? I am expecting.
Any time you want to come to Virginia or Cape Cod- boring US I know, I can set you up!! Good advice from Kate about your peaches!! yummo!
Agree with Kate above. The work now will be worth it because you will end up with bigger tastier fruit since fewer are competing for available nutrients.
a totally different thing. I remember you once wrote about how to make your watercolours stay soft in the colour box?
something with rubber??????
can i find this somewhere or would you be so kind to write it again or will you teach me in summer??????????
You could try air-dropping the photos from your phone to the computer. Doesn’t always work, but it’s worth a try. Oh, could you let me know when the peach pie and ice cream are ready:)
Geez, your pictures are scrumptious and, well, Yumm-O!. Looking forward to your new class-trying to think of clever names for it, like Gouache Almighty, and Gouache Is Good and Gouache Happens…thanks for all that you share with us.
Just finished Delicious .Loved it! Savored it. Ruth Reichl https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://ruthreichl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/delicious1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://ruthreichl.com/books/&h=400&w=263&tbnid=_l_tQr9yH2SyCM:&tbnh=160&tbnw=105&docid=AOF2GayihhtdQM&itg=1&usg=__IiGezLTHhyr39TF9iISEAlXRDH0=
Lucky you–your very own peaches!! I am reading No One Knows by J. t. Ellison–a mystery–so far so good!!
The rough rule of thumb for thinning peaches is to leave 1 fruit for every 6-8 inches of branch. So the photo you showed would probably have 2 peaches or so per little twig. Best to leave space between fruit if you can so the fruits don’t touch each other. As you get closer to harvest time plan on having some “props” to support branches so they don’t break from the weight of the fruit. You can make props out of 1″ thick by 4-6″ width wood, whatever length you need between the branch and the ground. Make a v in the top of the wood, put under the branch and brace against the soil.
kate! THANK YOU. i came home from school and did what you said. plucked at least 50 peaches off the tree. now will get my neighbor to make the props for me. i bet the remaining peaches are so happy to have some of the competition GONE. now they’ll grow big and sweet. you’re the best!
Try the app Photosync! It downloads photos from iPhone and iPad wirelessly. Never use cable any more to move photos. Can also move photos from laptop to phone or iPad.