if you ever find yourself in a classroom with 10 kids and your aide is taking her lunch break and you get a big idea to start the valentine’s project early without her because you’ve had much much much bigger classes and no aide and have done this a zillion times so you start but only 7 kids can fit around the kidney table and the other 3 without a seat don’t want to stand and start acting like howler monkeys and one kid starts crying and says you have to help him even though the activity hasn’t started yet and another kid sneezes in someone’s face and then someone smashes someone else’s hand in between the floor and the leg of the chair and now 2 kids are crying then you can’t find your glasses and then the class phone rings and 8 of the 10 kids runs to answer it and the principal comes in to see how the 2 kids on behavior contracts are doing and one is under the kidney table and the other one is at your desk trying on your reading glasses. if that happens. just roll with it.
then come home and paint some lemons in your sketchbook which, by the way, cannot be used as a flotation device.
my mind is now pleasantly drifting away from shore. i’m listening to blossom dearie. and now i’m heading out into the cold night to get my 1100 more steps for the day.
be well. be happy. stay away from howler monkeys.
I love it……….isn’t that how it goes with kids and art? I have kids from 5-14 that come once a week to my home and some days are just like that. NO matter how well organized I think I am and what a great project I think I have…it doesn’t matter until the kids get there and do THEIR thing. I volunteer to do this and have them here and wouldn’t trade a minute of it. Love the lemons.
Ok o when to know… Is the lemons as flotation devices a Mitch reference? If it is, you’ve just become my most favorite person ever! Just sayin’
Love the lemons btw 🙂
And apparently I need spell check lol
Oh, I think that it kept you afloat very well. Or maybe it is a parachute. Either way.Miss MAM.you survived! Yea! And the lemons are lovely and I am proud of you for getting your walking in on a day like today!
Wowza. And this, folks, is why I am not a teacher. Loved the story, love the lemons, love that you made it home in one piece to paint said lemons. 🙂
You render me speechless. I’ll take the very loud, hear them three miles away monkeys. You can have the kids. I’m laughing too hard to type more.
Thank goodness you can balance daytime craziness with evening/weekend peace and sketching (and walking – great job on all those steps!). You cope quite well, better than I could. Loving those lemons – you’ve got to do some Spoonflower fabric of them. 🙂 And I second the request for a book by you, illustrated, of course!
Oh my oh my. I do believe I will have to pass the ‘howler monkeys’ term on to my friend who is an ER nurse with 12 hour shifts. I suspect you have truly learned that only 1 you and your 10 are not a good idea. I imagine that each set of parents must feel that way rather often. They need you and your ability to be childlike and have fun as well as learn ‘the important stuff’ which in my mind includes enjoying life as much as they are able.
Good for you on the night walking. 2016 has found me quite lazy. 🙁 So I’ll hold you up as my personal poster child!
You’ve made my weekend . Such memories this brings back. Like tiny Orlando who went to the kindergarten bathroom never to come back…. I went in search of him and found him sitting backwards on the toilet washing his feet. It’s a long story……….. but I can still see him smiling up at me. Your howler monkeys don’t know what they are up against yet, do they. ! They will be so happy they have you for a teacher. Thanks for making my day.
You gave me my first laugh of the day–thank you! Howler monkeys indeed.
I’m sure it wasn’t funny at the time, but it was sure funny in the telling! You are a hoot! Lovely lemons, btw:). YOU need to write a BOOK. I would buy it!
Oh dear. I had the exact same day working the ER yesterday. Howler monkeys indeed. Only mine were (ostensible) adults. This too shall pass. Thank God.
Whew what a time you have had! Aren’t you glad Saturday is here. Love your attitude and humor! “If life gives you lemons make lemonade.”
Thank you! That was hilarious! ?
TGIF Ms Moss and also TG that I am retired! Takes a special person with special talents to do what you do.
Oh, thank you for that long drawn out laugh you just gave me! How I needed that! Soo funny!!
You are truly one of the funniest writers I have ever read. Thank you for making me snort, guffaw and, yes, even howl. So glad your down time includes painting lemons. Here’s to a calmer Monday.
When life hands you howler monkeys make lemon paintings ?
I wouldn’t last ten minutes…bless you
breathe in, breathe out. Repeat.
then turn it into a tale for us. : )
I think I did the adult version of your day today in the tile store. I should have painted lemons though….they are some gorgeous ones! Made my day!
I hope you told Principal that everything and everyone was going as planned.