sheree, thank you for sending this to me this morning. i always love to find inspirational videos waiting for me in my inbox. you guys send me the best ones!
i’m still being inspired & delighted by nature’s bounty.
yesterday morning in the nearly empty park i felt pure narcotic bliss.
the scent of flowers and damp grass filled the air.
i feel more alert and bouncy lately. and i noticed that my socks don’t leave a deep indentation when i take them off anymore.
i collected some sappy pine cones on my way home.
i’m off again this morning with trixie for another jaunt under the great sapphire dome.
sometime this afternoon i’ll do another periscope broadcast from moss cottage. see you soon!
LOL, too funny & very apr video, Thanks for sharing it on!
Happy weekend miss Moss!
HOLY MOLY GUACAMOLE, that video was outstanding!!! Thanks for always sharing the best inspiration.
I am a retired teacher, and can relate to your pleasure in walking. I was always the one in my family that didn’t jog/exercise. But a few months ago I had a wild idea to walk the Camino de Santiago in northern Spain. To prepare for the month long walk, I started with a couple miles each day, and now have worked up to 14 miles on Sundays. It’s definitely the consistency that makes it possible. My brother said to me the other day, “I heard your walking.” I am as surprised as they are.
I just missed your live scope, Mary Ann, but enjoyed it very much, nonetheless. The flowers turned out so NICE! I share your love of crinkly, parchmenty feeling (and sounding) paper. I LOVE IT!
Inspired, delighted, alert and bouncy! You go, girl!
The Video is amazing Mary Ann! Thank You for sharing………….
Wow, those flowers are just glorious! We got tricked last night. It has been unseasonably warm this winter around Seattle, so flowers are coming up and things budding, and the ducks have been mating already. Then it had to go and frost last night. Not too bad though, so probably no damage. I am just glad no duck eggs have hatched yet. Yesterday a huge bald eagle was dive bombing the duck pond. The ducks were on guard all day. Sometimes living in the country is brutal. It is beautiful, and so much life, but death is near too. It can be shocking to be blissfully watching a momma duck with her babies and see a hawk swoop down and grab one! Kinda harshes the reality. Not sure I will ever get used to that. No. I AM sure I will never get used to it! This weekend is all about birthdays. Yesterday was my youngest grandangel’s seventh bday, so went to a party of screaming, giggling little girls. HO boy! Today I will be going to see my youngest offspring (son) who turned 30 yesterday. I go bearing gifts. Maybe tomorrow I can get back to art. I miss it like an old friend when I don’t get time for it. Sorry to be so chatty. I am either super quiet or chatty, no in between. I hope I can catch your scope later! My name is Dior821 on there. It is so much fun interacting with you and everyone! Keep walking!
thank you Mary Ann
I have never been to Los Angeles, or California for that matter. Your beautiful, poetic posts and photos bring a longing to my heart…thank you for all your sharing…I have been so inspired that I have talked to my husband about going west for a vacation to see it all in real life. He loves to fish so being in the desert isn’t probably going to be “his thing”
I am curious, if you do not mind sharing, how you ended up in Los Angeles? I am always curious about how people end up living where they do. I wonder at times why people would move to where I live. It is very beautiful with the lakes but it sure is cold and cloudy most of the time. When we go to Florida, I immediately notice a bounce in my step and a happier outlook…the sun can do wonders.
I am loving the hear the name Trixie again….sweet to have a trusting companion…
I hope to catch your periscope!!!
have a great day!
Hi, Mary Ann, if you can’t draw, you can always become a modernist……or you can do collage! That’s my motto.
Port Townsend, WA