for periscope no. 4 i drew some opening calladium blossoms with one of my favorite water soluble pens, the pilot varsity. colored ink sketches make me happy. especially when they bleed into the watercolor. that surprise mix of ink & watercolor is just fabulous!
i’m afraid i’m not improving at reading comments. egads! eventually i suppose i’ll figure it out. another difficult thing is not knowing the names of people who are watching. i recognize some of your handles, but unless your name is part of it i have no idea who anyone is… maybe next time i’ll flip through a sketchbook or something. flipping requires less focus than drawing and i may be able to carry on some semblance of a conversation. we’ll see. don’t hold your breath.
i took iphone pics of a variety of blooming plants this sunday at the LA county arboretum & botanic gardens. if you live in the LA area it’s worth a trip. especially now when the aloes are in extravagent bloom.
the blossoms on this aloe look like sunflower seeds!
such a display!
what a pleasure to walk around admiring everything.
what’s new in your winter world? do tell, i’m all ears…
I keep missing the periscopes but I’ll try and keep better track. In my ‘winter world’ kitten wrangling, little hooligan just wants to get into EVERYTHING, nothing seems to be sacred or out of her reach no matter how high I put it…I swear she can fly…I keep turning her over and wondering where she is hiding her wings….bird cat is what we have here, There is no more snow, not that we had much to begin with. Minnesota winters, don’t exist anymore. I love our winters and like the snow A LOT but it’s been a few years since we’ve had a ‘real’ winter; in my opinion anyway. HA! It’s quite pretty outside though, late February day pretending it’s April, bright blue sky and a wind swaying all the naked trees to and fro. Trust me when I say it’s hard for things to look ‘pretty’ this time of year with nothing but melting snow and shades of brown everywhere you look but today it’s dazzling outside….so I’ll just stay inside and see what I can ‘bedazzle’ into a journal page or maybe an entire new journal…as always loving your sketches and paint play and photos….those pods DO look like sunflower seeds!!!!!!
Yummy photos and I really like your sketch. When I’m over this nasty killer virus I must get my Varsity pens out and do some sketching. I bought them on your recommendation and like ’em lots. Thanks for the inspiration.
Holy Gardens Batman! And that art! So much fun. Your blog brings me joy and keeps me inspired. Back to the art studio this afternoon! (It just looks like a kitchen table.
Those aloe blossoms are AMAZING! Wow! Also those pink flowers that look like ribbons are perfection. You’re inspiring me to make the trek into DC to see the Botanical Gardens there. I’ve done a couple sketchbook flip throughs on Periscope and it is easier to chat, but still I missed comments sometimes. Haha.
Thank you MAM for all your beautiful posts. They are so lovely and so inspiring and they make me happy too.
all the photos are wonderful, but the second close up is just gorgeous!!
Well Periscope won’t let me sign in with my Twitter account saying my @ name is taken. Yes, it is. It’s mine. Oh well…
All beautiful! I’ll figure out periscope one of these days!
Gorgeous flowers! Can’t seem to find you on periscope Mary Ann. I don’t have iPhone or iPad so can’t register with periscope but I can watch. Saw your very first one as you posted link on Facebook however haven’t been able to see your others. Help…
if you have an android phone i think the periscope app comes in that flavor…not sure. without any sort of mobile device however, i’m afraid you’re up a creek without a paddle. drat! i decided only to share the first one on facebook, the rest i’m letting die a natural death after 24 hours.
I still haven’t figured out how to catch your Periscopes live nor how to comment. Are you not allowed to comment if the broadcast is already over? I could do the hearts. I looked online at Periscope and sounds like there should be a box at the bottom to type in but nothing appeared to me no matter where I clicked on the screen. I have a large iPad pro but the screen doesn’t seem to allow me to make it full screen, only 1x or 2x. Still it was fun to watch the caladium one before it disappeared.
Aloha, Kate
exactly right kate, you can only comment during the live broadcast. how do you like your ipad pro???
My baby had a baby so I’m back in Albuquerque for a time. At first it was like caring for three people in triage, but very quickly the new family came together and now I’m just standing by waiting to be of assistance and holding back the tears as I watch the love flow. My baby is a beautiful mom to her baby-makes me want to have do overs. I’ve taken a few close up snaps of his darling scrawny wise old soul face with the idea that I’ll try to draw him when we go back home to Mexico. My imagination takes me to the tender portraits done by Louise Wilkes, however, they are more likely to turn into hilarity like you and your sister’s portraits of one another while you skype. Little Harvey won’t care. His current interest are boobs and having his butt crack blow dried by his mother’s Vidal Sassoon hair dryer.
how you make me LAUGH!!!
Thanks for posting the picture of your finished periscope sketch. It was so much fun watching and listening to you. Thanks for being so brave!!
Wonderful photos of great work by a super artist. YOU!!!!!!!! I never knew aloes bloomed like that. Gorgeous!!!! Please tell me about the last photo….. the colors really speak to me. I am still trying to figure out periscope. With the cold I have been fighting my gray cells are not functioning right. 🙂