these days i come home from school and draw a quick & quirky bird or two. sometimes while i'm listening to the news. they aren't masterpieces and don't need to be.
just a little something before collapsing into bed.
hastily scrawled. spontaneous. the effort level is low and the satisfaction level is high. works for me!
the desk i got last year for my living room was an excellent choice. i use it constantly. whereas the chair it replaced was rarely sat upon.
this journal sat dormant for so long after i made it for a class sample in my Full Tilt Boogie class. then just a couple of months ago i pulled it off the shelf. now it's almost finished.
i love these fold out pages so i think i'll add a few more. i forgot how fun it is to work in a book with flaps & foldouts.
i keep all sorts of notes my kids write to paste them into my writing journal. i laugh when they give them to me and laugh even louder when i reread them in my journals years later. this one was a good fit for this page. dontcha think?
in other news my back patio garden is looking lush. the creeping fig on the wall gets fried in summer on the hot wall. it dies back, but grows again in winter.
my aeoniums are monsters.
see that little porcelain rose? i bought that at a funeral home in paris 10 years ago. it was intended for my pop's grave, but i decided to keep it. maybe sometime i'll make a pilgrimage to arkansas and figure out how to anchor it to mama moss's headstone. duct tape probably wouldn't work huh?
yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah
off to draw something. maybe a squirrel.
catch you on the flip flop drip drop!
My poor mum has the only creeping fig in the entire universe that won’t creep. Sad, really, breaks her wonderfully green little heart. Can’t show her your lovely patio until the weather cools otherwise she’ll have me out in the back… truly inspiring.
Your garden is lovely but what knocked my socks off is the tile and china door frame. It’s gorgeous. Did you make it?
These pictures gave me high satisfaction. My aeoniums are monsters too, but I hear surgery works.
Wow! Did you feed the monster plants Miracle Gro? Or maybe they’ve landed in a perfect dirt home? Wish I could grow them here.
E6000 glue is awesome stuff should you decide to put that rose on Momma Moss’s headstone.
If you’re bent on adhering the rose to your Mama Moss’ gravestone–go with Gorilla glue or a marine appoxy. Or BOTH. I love the idea of a barnacled headstone. Love your birds.
Filling up journals is grand and all your FTB journals were pretty spiffy so I’m happy to hear that they are being filled up and made happy. Your garden is amazing. All I can do is sit back in wonder and awe. I’ve tried to grow things in soil and it’s not happening and then there are the bugs to contend with and I’m nothin but a big scaredy cat when it comes to bugs. One day I was sitting at our kitchen table, there was a napkin laying there perfect and white and I picked up a pen and made all these goofy little sketches of flowers and dubbed it my napkin garden. It’s on my fridge and makes me smile every day. That is the closest I will ever get to getting anything to grow so I’ll just sit back and admire yours cuz your garden rocks!!!!!
By Coming here all the time to visit my mind is becoming closer to beginning again, plus your blog, art, photos, and writings are so beautiful…simple truths.
Love the out of control aeoniums, and the low effort, high satisfaction motto is hereby adopted….?