what's shakin? i just ate a cadburry cream egg. and had a facetime art session with my sister.
i also drew some birds.
what else is new?
pulled over a few weeks ago and drew a neighborhood house with a nice metal roof.
i filed that away in one of my home repair file cabinets. in my mind.
tomorrow i return to my 5th grade class. looking forward to being back in a classroom with big windows and fresh cool air!
i'll share one of the love letters delivered to me this week from one of the 2nd graders:
it's really nice to know that someone thinks i'm the al some mis.
pam is teaching in north carolina this week and some of her cute students taped a video message for me that i just received. they met in REMAINS OF THE DAY years ago. making connections across the interwebs is totally al some. could any of us have imagined ANY of this 20 years ago?
If you cherish your ALONEness you'll love THIS that I came across on my bloglovin' feed this past week.
sending smoke signals…from hot muggy los angeles to wherever in the vast world you happen to be. hope you're good. hope you're happy.
Great post! And I love the alone article!!! Love it!!! I married a golfer…. and I don’t golf…… it’s great…….. golf lasts for hours!!!
90º? 90!?
I mean, 90º? like, whooaa
spot on! that describes me to a T. I love to be home alone, however I live with my daughter and two grandkids so that doesn’t happen often enough for me. cool that 2nd graders who aren’t even in your 5th grade class love you. I bet you are a great teacher. have the monkeys been journaling this year? I love to see what they create.
I wish it was warmer here, not 90degrees though, that is too hot. i’m tired of looking at white stuff which is falling from the sky as we speak. tfs.
Loved the article … #8 and 9 are so right on for someone (me) who loves being alone but also loves sharing life with someone who enjoys his alone time. I’ve told him he can never retire (ha ha).
love notes from children are the absolute best
23 things….bingo…. that IS why I love re-reading books, reviewing sketchbookery videos, escaping for a walk with my camera, loving the quiet after all those wonderful family types go home….ahhhhhh
You have some really sweet students, Mary Ann. And I’m in awe of your sketch of the hand cream with the orange background! Add me to the list of people who need lots of time alone. Hubby is out of town for awhile and I’m enjoying the time alone hiking with the dog looking for signs of spring, puttering around the house and working in my journal.
I love that note from your student!! Is that a person crawling on the floor or maybe a dog with a human face??
We have always known what your students do: you are the A+some-mist-teacher there is! Xo
LOVED the article about cherishing your aloneness. So true.
Mary Ann I think you’re al some mis too!!!! really and truly, from the bottomless middle of my middle….you are the BESTest. I love that RODer’s are hookin up and crossing boundaries and meeting. I think that is al some miss too. You have no idea what you started with remains of the day…so many journals later and you still find ways to inspire me… I’ve got a secret too which I’ll have to share through the magic that is email but for now just know I’ve i’ll be pulling a few rabbits out of my hat and they have not a thing to do with Cadbury eggs and all things Easterish but dang those Cadbury folks sure know their way around chocolate…I’ve gone through a couple of bags of those eggs of theirs….since the candy appeared on the shelves….try and stay cool sweet woman…
Totally love how your students love you. And I adore 23 reasons why I cherish my aloneness – while being married; how odd is that? Thank you for all your posts. You are such a pool of sanity.
I totally identify with 18 out of the 23 reasons why I cherish my aloneness…there is nothing better than a weekend without plans!
Now I want a Cadbury cream egg! And I still want to paint. My mind is getting there. Love, love, love your paintings…..you are my bright spot of the day and or week!
Got lots done in the garden today. Al some mis weather in KC. 😉