last night the neighborhood was awash in the most magnificent white light. it was positively supernatural. i rushed outside for these photos.
at dusk all the lights twinkle on one by one in the dark hills above and below me.
we angelenos are entranced by clouds. and rain. and dramatic weather in general. it’s a calming balm after months of unending irritating sunshine.
if you’ve been having a difficult time with your passwords on sketchbookery please know that i am dreadfully sorry about it. feh!
such a pain in the tuchus to have to reset them!
website maintenance is underway to address the problem.
but you don’t care, you just want someone to open the door already. i get it.
in a few hours you should be able to log back in.
flowers. air kisses. apologies.
yours truly.
I love weather, especially when it changes. You might enjoy my take on snow:
As you can tell, I’ve had about enough of the snow. Thankful I don’t live in Boston, though!
Enjoy your play time.
Wow, amazing photos! Looks like something between a dream, and a scary, beautiful movie!
Feh. What’s that?
“unending, irritating sunshine” – did you really say that?
love that light for sure.
Nice to know the Sketchbookery issue isn’t just mine. No matter, you enjoy your clouds and I’ll enjoy the blessed sunshine we are experiencing in the Pacific Northwest. And I’ll just forge ahead with my sketching and painting.
ooooooooooooo those clouds are love-erly Mary Ann. All rolling and bubbling over the sky. Clouds are pretty darn clever and entertaining so I’m happy they put on a good show for you. And far as password high jinx goes, erg I hear ya but I’m glad you found time to look ‘up’
I am intrigued with clouds. They are lovely, fascinating things to behold. Here in the high desert of southern NV we seldom see clouds, so when they show up I’m all agog and taking pics, some of which have been posted on the weather segment on local TV channels. Did you know there’s a website for cloud lovers? Lemme see if I can find a link, you can OD on looking at the clouds posted there.
Pictures of your sky are lovely and you can send some of that unlimited sunshine to those of us in the very gray and cold Midwest.
Hola MaryAnn: thanks for the apologies, air kisses and especially the flowers : ) I thought I was the only one having this Sketchbookery knock/knock – go back to square 1 and maybe if you’re good and re-set your password – we’ll let you play – okay that worked, hahahaha : )
Love your pics – isn’t rain/clouds/light wonderful ?? YES !!! thanks for sharing : ) happy Tuesday – hope you had a grand day !!!!
Blessings, Sandra in AZ : )