hello from mendonoma!
more seascapes & sketchbookery from the northcoast.
home soon.
p.s. registration for SKETCHBOOKERY Winter Session ends on the 31st!
hello from mendonoma!
more seascapes & sketchbookery from the northcoast.
home soon.
p.s. registration for SKETCHBOOKERY Winter Session ends on the 31st!
Howdy, I'm Mary Ann Moss, the chimp at the helm of this ship. I've been blogging right here since 2007 and exploring the world & driving getaway cars since 1963.
The post-Christmas clean-up has been a little brighter thanks to your blog posts! Thanks for the fine photos and sketches and words.
That blue bottle is uber amazing. You captured it quite nicely I’d say. I’m basking in your photos, almost as good as being right there. Mendonoma looks enchanting.
Mendocino/Sonoma…beautiful places. The CA coast is beyond compare. Enjoying your posts from this wonderland.
Enjoy the Mendo for me too. Beth in SC ans sometimes Novato
You lucky duck! Are you in Mendocino? I’ve always wanted to go, ever since I was a teenager and that was a looooonng time ago. Adore your sketches – the xmas ornaments are so very sweet.
Happy New Year filled with new adventures!
Love the sketches. Love the blue bottle (I have a windowsill full of them in my studio.). But LOVE the cloud/sky pix. Those color combos are SO satisfying!
I decided to register for Sketchbookery. Happy New Year!