our last days in timber cove.
we were staying just a mile from the historic timber cove inn so we stopped in for a meal and a stroll along the headlands.
small waterfalls ran downhill out of the steeply forested hillsides and over the bluffs.
yesterday when it was time to leave we headed south on hwy 1 toward the mouth of the russian river in jenner.
the road there is impossibly lovely.
several times we had to stop and wait for cows & calves to cross the road. fine with me!
fog poured down the hills and followed the river to the sea.
such incandescent beauty.
if you ever have the chance to drive on this road from timbercove to jenner do it. in the morning if possible.
i came down the exact same road a week ago, but saw none of this in the dense fog & light rain. so yesterday’s drive was a revelation.
a baptism of light and fog.
we headed inland on hwy 116, stopping in the charming hamlet of guerneville for breakfast. this entire area is just. so. scenic.
the end of my northcoast story wouldn’t be complete without a fireball report. yep. it’s true. we BOTH saw one a few nights ago. she from the deck and me from inside the house. i was thrilled to have a witness. no fireballs for 51 years and now 3 in the last month. i know! peeps keep your eyes peeled. there’s fireballs in them there skies!
Lovely post. Thelma and I need to visit when we make our Thelma and Louise trip.
Dear MaryAnn~~
When last I lived in this area, it was as a wee child…YET…it feels so familiar. Blood memory, no doubt.
Love, love LOVE your writing AND the photos.
Thank you much, for everything and
You are talking about my neighborhood! I am blessed to live in two fabulous places: Sonoma County and the Big Island on Hawaii. Love to hear your fireball reports!
Aloha, Kate
Ooh, those foggy photos are totally dreamy! Makes me want to do a road trip along the coast. Must add that to the list of future travels!
I have been fortunate to have traveled Hwy. 1 from Morro Bay to Santa Cruz. This is a heaven on earth road to be sure.
I visited Monterey when the canneries were still going full bore. You could smell the stench downwind for miles! Not the quaint little village then as it is now. If I could pick a place to live out the rest of my days it would be somewhere along Hwy 1, it’s all beautiful…Thanks so much for sharing so much of your life and family and art with us throughout the years. You’re a wonderful adventure in my life.
Your photos, as always, are divine! Happy New Year, Mary Ann! xo
no words really, I just want to hop in my trusty steed and head west, find that road and drive and drive and pull over and just take it all in. So glad you take time to share these spectacular moments with us.
When we lived in California in the 90’s, we took a weekend away from the kids and did the Sonoma tour. But then we followed the Russian River and stayed in a tiny cabin in the woods. All I remember is green everywhere and a big woodstove. Paradise!
Beautiful photos and I love the expression “impossibly lovely”–so much meaning and feeling in those words.
Sooo beautiful. Thank you for this and for all i 2014. Happy New Year! Mary Ann. 🙂
Por esta vez, me ha parecido que también estaba en ese viaje de vuelta a casa. Que pasaba mis primeras horas de la mañana contemplando el paisaje y fotografiando los momentos que estábamos dejando atrás. Son preciosas las escenas , la bruma espesa sobre el nivel del mar,……… Aquí estoy con mi café con leche desayunando al otro lado del mundo,,,,y por un momento me he sentido tu compañera de viaje Mary Ann !
Feliz Año Nuevo!
Fabulous Mary Ann!
Today’s photos are stunning and make me want to hit the road!
I am just one of many who look forward to and loves your every post.
I don’t comment often, as you don’t know me and you get so many … and we all think you’re great.
Like many, I feel like I know you, Carol, Dottie, and yes I do miss Angie!
Wishing you a healthy, happy new year in 2015, I’ll be watching.
Please leave this post up for awhile so I can keep staring at it. Thank you!