all is good in the hood. i'm right here where you left me. sketching the summer away. planning one last summer art retreat before i get back to my day job in less than a month. i'm breathing in and taking deep pleasure in all this free time.
i'm enjoying mornings in the park lost under a canopy of shadowy trees and rose petals. evenings on the porch writing in my journal, reading, thinking, sketching.
i've found another great tech resource who operate out of san francisco. they've been migrating all of my class blogs beginning about 6 weeks ago. they're inexpensive and committed to providing good service in a timely manner. i didn't mention them before because the jury was still out, but after 3 successful class blog transfers I'm pretty pleased with their service. I don't get compensated in any way for these tech mentions, but i do believe in shining a light on people & places that do good work. FANTASKTIC out of san francisco are my latest team of elves.
i'm saving the big kahuna of them all – DFLA for last. i have to get in those old archives and start cleaning things up and clearing things out. i don't mean i'm deleting any content. no way! i just have to make sure i've got all the boxes packed and tidy when the migration crew descends.
summer will be gone soon in a blaze of glory. i'm just here. making every second mean something.
hope you're making art, taking naps, and getting lots of peach juice all over your muzzle.
I’ve missed you! I’ve not been getting your blog posts by email and I have tried to sign up again and am advised that I a currently a subscriber. I know you’ve recently made some changes on your blog and imagine it’s just a glitch. Any suggestions? Glad you are enjoying your summer!
OOOh I love those watercolour hues.. what make is that rose and the vermillion.. what a glorious colour! I am so excited for my first real watercolours, I ordered them from Dick Blick but they havent been dispatcghed yet… soon I hope!!
I am loving sketchbookery. Love to watch the videos and have committed to a sketchbook this year. Took mine to a concert last night and made terrible drawings with a pen that make me smile today. So, as always, thank you for the inspiration, the step by steps and the laughter. Do you already know where you are going to teach in the Fall?
Mary Ann you are one of the best watercolor teachers I have ever taken from…………I love how you just pick up on everyday subjects and start to sketch. The Sketchbookery class has taught me just to put perfection aside and start. The contour drawing lesson was just what I needed to let loose and draw……….thank you and keep on enjoying your summer sketching away and I will continue to do the same in class……….your the best!
Your maters are scrumptious!
Mary Ann,
I am so enjoying the classes I’m taking — TTV and FTB. I feel like I’m in Venice. I wish I had known about the sketchery class. Hope you’ll be opening it up again soon! You’re classes are fabulous!
You are obviously enjoying the moment Mary Ann – rock on. xoDonna
I am enjoying your summer and Sketchbookery minutes with you! I don’t have all the minutes either, like Loretta, that’s why I am on the 2 year plan! You make me laugh, and I have found that to be a VERY important part of this entire process! Thank you again!
I personally am looking at Sketchbookery videos each day and sketching away! Having such a great time even when I have no time to sketch (like Grandchild Being Born Day). Have to do a sketch of him if everyone would stop waiting in line to hold him!
Happy to hear that the grand migration is going well and is in good and capable hands, if anyone were to lose any part of your ‘world’ I’d be tempted to step in and take drastic measures, don’t know what they’d be but I’m sure I’d think up something, I am enjoyin’ every second of class it’s just been crazy around the home front and all creative endeavors have been put on hold. And have I got a story for you but I’ll save that for an email in a day or two once things shake out around here. 🙂
Love those red tomatoes!
Good to see you here. I am so enjoying Sketchbookery and am having fun painting, playing, and drawing. My mental battles around drawing are tremendous so I have to force myself right now. As I do more it gets easier. Thanks for such an awesome class xxx
Glad you are well & busily sketching and painting! Over here, we’re just back from a lovely week at the beach (complete with lots of key lime pie). The weeds are as high as an elephant’s eye here in Kansas City, so the garden is where we’ve been puttering since returning home. Will be working on some art journal pages over the weekend. Happy July to you!