Italians savor cappuccino but only in the morning. After morning, it’s espresso and quick. We did see people (Italian people) lingering over an espresso in Orvieto but it’s hard to do. Even here in our house, our afternoon espresso is done in two gulps. Otherwise, it’s cold coffee.
The journal is lovely especially for a non-sketcher, non-painter. If it’s not digital, it’s not me so I’m glad to see examples of other people’s work.
Loving this peek into your travel journal and sharing your trip MaryAnn! And in reference to a comment you made the other day, don’t stop the wonky! That’s what makes your art YOU-nique!
this is gorgeous! I would so live in that tree house!
Lovely, absolutely lovely.
P.S. This applies to the last several posts.
Yes it was a tree house! From our perspective it was absolutely a tree house. Tree houses are all over the place in Italy.
These posts with the sketchbook pages are so charming. What a beautiful reminder of your trip this journal will be. Really like the colorful sketches with the transparency of the background pages & just enough journaling to capture the moment. On the Friday with Franco page, you reminded me of something when I was in Italy: I’ve never known the Italians to sit and savor a cup of coffee like we do. It’s “down the hatch”, especially with the espresso. lol
Jane S.
Oh MAM you have done it again! Your sketch/watercolors have me *sigh* wishing I were there! I love the way your sketches are so honest and clean, you’ve mastered the art of transparency, not muddying up the colors! I’ve got to get that DVD, if it can help me paint like you! LOVE LOVE LOVE your sketchbook journal, keep ’em coming!
OK…so now everywhere I go around my neighborhood and in my daily activities, I mentally sketch it. I’m nearly ready to actually do it! Then I’ll be all ready for a super cool sketched travel journal. You are providing such a valuable community service! You inspirational little devil.
Monster Coolness. What’s better than sifting through someone’s fabulous sketchbook? nothin.
Judy H.says
Enjoying all the sketchbook pix! My faves of this batch: the beer stein and Cuore Verde. 🙂
Lisa Hsays
As usual I am soaking up each post. So beautiful.
My husband is currently visiting LA for work and I feel like I ought to send him somewhere to pick me up some unique paper crafting items. Any ideas? He is staying over by the Staples Center, but he is a wanderer so I am sure he can find a way to venture out.
You are rockin’ my color world right now!!!!! Oh yeah!!! That door is friggin’ amazing, and the ‘cuore verde’ OMG. I love how quaint and gorgeous these all are and the one with the pens is great so vital to document the ‘tools of the trade’ I could blather on and on about how much I love each and everyone of your sketches. It’s like being dropped into a wonderland and then going on the best kind of stroll; the kind that can only happen deep in one’s imagination!!!
Italians savor cappuccino but only in the morning. After morning, it’s espresso and quick. We did see people (Italian people) lingering over an espresso in Orvieto but it’s hard to do. Even here in our house, our afternoon espresso is done in two gulps. Otherwise, it’s cold coffee.
The journal is lovely especially for a non-sketcher, non-painter. If it’s not digital, it’s not me so I’m glad to see examples of other people’s work.
What Domenico said…just lovely, all of it 🙂
Loving this peek into your travel journal and sharing your trip MaryAnn! And in reference to a comment you made the other day, don’t stop the wonky! That’s what makes your art YOU-nique!
this is gorgeous! I would so live in that tree house!
Lovely, absolutely lovely.
P.S. This applies to the last several posts.
Yes it was a tree house! From our perspective it was absolutely a tree house. Tree houses are all over the place in Italy.
These posts with the sketchbook pages are so charming. What a beautiful reminder of your trip this journal will be. Really like the colorful sketches with the transparency of the background pages & just enough journaling to capture the moment. On the Friday with Franco page, you reminded me of something when I was in Italy: I’ve never known the Italians to sit and savor a cup of coffee like we do. It’s “down the hatch”, especially with the espresso. lol
Jane S.
Oh MAM you have done it again! Your sketch/watercolors have me *sigh* wishing I were there! I love the way your sketches are so honest and clean, you’ve mastered the art of transparency, not muddying up the colors! I’ve got to get that DVD, if it can help me paint like you! LOVE LOVE LOVE your sketchbook journal, keep ’em coming!
OK…so now everywhere I go around my neighborhood and in my daily activities, I mentally sketch it. I’m nearly ready to actually do it! Then I’ll be all ready for a super cool sketched travel journal. You are providing such a valuable community service! You inspirational little devil.
Monster Coolness. What’s better than sifting through someone’s fabulous sketchbook? nothin.
Enjoying all the sketchbook pix! My faves of this batch: the beer stein and Cuore Verde. 🙂
As usual I am soaking up each post. So beautiful.
My husband is currently visiting LA for work and I feel like I ought to send him somewhere to pick me up some unique paper crafting items. Any ideas? He is staying over by the Staples Center, but he is a wanderer so I am sure he can find a way to venture out.
Sooo fabulous!
Ok, you’ve officially made me decide to have a go this summer holiday!
SOOOO LOVE your JOURNALS!!!! I am inspired!!
I love your sketches and watercolors, so vibrant and expressive! Looks like you had a lovely time. One day, I will get to Italy…sigh.
You are rockin’ my color world right now!!!!! Oh yeah!!! That door is friggin’ amazing, and the ‘cuore verde’ OMG. I love how quaint and gorgeous these all are and the one with the pens is great so vital to document the ‘tools of the trade’ I could blather on and on about how much I love each and everyone of your sketches. It’s like being dropped into a wonderland and then going on the best kind of stroll; the kind that can only happen deep in one’s imagination!!!
love the blobby quality of the sketch on the page with the quote about taxis. This looks like so much fun!!