sometime in the coming weeks i’ll make a short page-flipping journal video so you can see the journal the way i see it. how the pages interact. that sort of thing.
i have 9 pages remaining to show you.
i’m not going to be teaching a sketching class anytime soon, but i have solidified plans for another travel + journal class a la TTV that i’m terribly excited about. i’ve been busy working on a fun, easy, and attractive new binding to teach in that class. more on that as it develops and unfolds.
for now i will just say that my passage has been booked and my accomodations have been happily secured to this mysterious picturesque city. when summer draws to a close and the new school year begins this autumn, instead of reporting for duty, i’ll be sailing off into the sunset. a brand spanking new travel journal sketchbook tucked under one arm, an old map in my pocket, and maybe you stowed away in my suitcase!
Love your sketches!
I really do wish you were teaching sketching soon.
You make it look so easy.
In the meantime, do you have any friends who teach it, that you might recommend? Or perhaps a good book on the subject?
I feel so shy about sketching and watercoloring; I could use some help. Thank you!
That is the best news I’ve had all week!
Yes, please. I would love to stow away in your suitcase.
Count me in!
I can’t wait to see where we are going!
On the edge of my seat waiting to hear more!
Oh my god, I can not wait!!!
I am ready to go with you wherever and whenever you are ready!
Such lovely skecthes. They’re so right.
People are starting to frown on diners taking pics of their dishes in restaurants (here in France) so I decided to draw mine and got myself a lovely sketch book and pen. Guess what? Too shy by far, to preoccupied with my food. I’m going to have to sharpen my memory or defy the snobs!
I seem to remember we never worried about that in Paris.
Ooohhh I’m giddy with excitement! I so enjoy your classes!
Well, count me in! I don’t really care where we are going on this new adventure, but I know I want to go along! I’ll *try* and roll myself into a small, unobtrusive ball to fit into your travel pocket, come autumn. What fun!
I agree with Erin … exciting enough that it rendered a huge grin and slight chuckle. I am SO VERY HAPPY that you have this opportunity.
Am loving all of these, and am looking forward to your trip!
No tropical isles please; I want to see you amidst ‘cul-cha’!
“when summer draws to a close and the new school year begins this autumn, instead of reporting for duty, i’ll be sailing off into the sunset.” That is the most exciting sentence I’ve read in a long time! And I read constantly, LOL!
Oh I’m looking forward to the flip video…loving this sketching of yours……this new planned adventure sounds like a fun one..looking forward to that too…..thank you so very much for sharing…very inspirational ……it’s great how intentions do set directions and good ones at that….:)
Pretty excited about traveling with you on your next adventure, and possibly taking my very first MAM class! Can’t wait to see where the next trip takes us, assuming you can afford the addition baggage weight , right?
So enjoying this trip, all the sketches and journal entries that bring them to life! Running to my email every day in anticipation of DFLA.
Tease! Tease! Tease!
I’ll be waiting to see what kind of clues you tell us about this for now secret journey.
squeeeeeeeeeling with delight!
Tee hee, count me in Mary Ann – with the proverbial knobs on ha ha ha, can’t wait.
Beautiful sketches too, I adore them as you may well have guessed lol.
Huge hugs x
Mary Ann, I can’t draw but I want to try, just because you have presented it in a fun way. Great job! I can’t wait to get to a new class!
you sketch book is what i always felt a travel journal should be. A deep immersion in the journey.
Can´t wait for that new adventure – how exciting.
Yeah for you Mary Ann – you´re the best
Yep, I knew you had something brewing……can’t wait to see where we are going next. I suppose you are just going to drive us a little crazy figuring out where that is……oh well it will be a short trip for me. Lol. Now, when do we get the first clue……
I love these pages – your sketches are fresh and colorful. Can’t wait to see where you take us next!
Count me in as extra baggage. I am addicted to ALL you do….. infused like an intravenous …. magic potion.
Hey Mary Ann – I think you should plan a tropical retreat too – I can just see you sketching your way around beautiful Bali!
save me a pocket in your trusty suitcase and in the mean time I’m just going to enjoy these wondrous pages from Spoleto. I think, no scratch that; I KNOW I can look at these pages over and over again and not get bored until the next journey unfolds. You certainly give us plenty to absorb and enjoy. I think that might make me a sponge so I’m just going to soak up all of these colors and textures and be happily content. btw that window sketch is AAAAaaaamazing. I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with. I know it’s gonna be awesome!!!!! xxooxx
Eeeeeeeeeeeee! (that was the mature and correct response, right?) I can’t wait 🙂
Mary Ann, Your sketching is beautiful and so inspiring. I do hope you plan to offer a class to teach your craft monkeys how to sketch. For now, I am pursuing every link and lead you provide!
Sign me up, with all the pets that own me, I am not leaving Omaha anytime soon. How about giving us little snippets of info so we can guess where we are going in the fall? I would love to take the clues and incorporate them into my travel journal of where ever you take us.
I will most certainly be in the suitcase; just poke some food in every so often, and we’re good to go!