lets have a good laugh shall we? at my expense. i don't mind. this was a blind contour drawing of pam. we howled over this. later i watercolored over it and tried to spell contour. ha! ha! ha! i JUST THIS MINUTE realized that i spelled it wrong.
the one above is a semi-blind contour with a water soluble fountain pen. that purple lattice was already on the page when i started. a remnant of a day a few months back. there's some colorful language on that page so avert your eyes if you're easily troubled by brash talk. yadda yadda.
i forgot to show the groovy cans of soup in my fav color combos that pam brought me. won't they be fun to sketch & paint?
my GIANT journal is 15×11.5 inches. it practically takes up half of my kitchen table. which as you can see i didn't bother to clean up before i took this pic.
sunny sunday in los angeles.
my neighbor just brought me 2 tacos and a diet coke from the taco truck. life is good.
This is all so delicious and lovely. I’m totally going to blog stalk you now.
That is one big yummy red book. Where do you get the yummy huge paper to make the signatures? And, how do you stay inspired everyday to create art? I am in the doldrums of blah blah land where even picking up a pen or brush seems too much effort. Maybe I just have too many choices and so can’t commit to one. Glad you are prolific…tell us what is your secret!
I LOVE that big journal! It looks like a treasure book! The red prints and your free style art gives me the shivers in a good way and makes my brain buzz with ideas and excitement for the summer time and beyond, “free time”. I am a Kinder aide here in Southern Oregon and thinking I need a long break too! Last day is the 11th of June!
By the way, (if you read this), are you into reading realistic fantasy? I never thought I would be, but after my 3 adult children and 1 teenager recommended with pleading voices, that I should read “The Name of the Wind” by Patrick Rothfuss, I wanted to see what was so great about it. I don’t usually go for the subject matter but this book kept me captive and then the 2nd book as well. I have recommended to my adult girlfriends and 2 of them have taken me up on it and surprised themselves with how good it is! Check it out. Very well written and so believable! Another favorite that was written some years ago is called ” Where River Turns to Sky”, by Gregg Kleiner. I re-read this a few times. Any way, maybe you could borrow them on your e-reader and see what you think.
Thanks for all the happiness and encouragement to go forth and explore without fear of mistakes, we just gotta T R Y ! Peace out.
Glad your day was so good. Today is great here. Tomato sandwich with decent tomatoes, sunshine, the dogs got caught before they made a get-away, the colors on your blog! Life really IS good!!
kickin back and enjoyin the pages, the fun, the laughter and all those happy colors. The cans are great. I picked up a couple of them too when they came out with them here. You will no doubt have fun with the process of bringing them to life. I see they’ve lined up nicely for you and are behaving themselves while they wait for their portraits to be done. And as long and the spelling bee police are not out, who cares about an error. We won’t breathe a word. That big journal is going to bring you hours and hours of delight as you dig into it. So far I’d say it’s lookin awesome from here.
Down with a flu – day 3 – starting to feel sorry for me. Then I come over here and read and see and life is good.
Love those visual journals you do – so inspiring
debra i mustve been staring into the cat box when i wrote that.
Hehehe…haha…shitballs..MWAHAHAHAHA. Oh my, today has started with a thigh- slappin’-fall-offa-the-chair laugh. Oh and I love that new visual journal in the previous post. You is good.
I start my day with a cup of coffee and your wonderful blog. I need to thank you as it is filled with color, inspiration and humor. Who could want anything more.
So many wonderful colors. I have to agree with the other comments, that you are enjoying your time off in such a wonderful way and we get to live vicariously through you, it’s so much fun!
Color gazing at its best. It does not get better. The big red book has inspired me to jump into a new journal as well, about my speed trip to Paris where I went to see the Albert Kahn museum but on arriving there the museum was closed and we could only walk through the gardens and I was totally miffed and made a very big scene and now I can’t go back for two years so they can forget about me and will let me in the next time.
Read it fast and that is how speedy our trip to Paris was. That’s why I needed Mary Ann her red book to start me off!
My book is here: http://photocatseyes.net
Thanks Mary Ann for inspiring us. I agree with previous poster that your life outside of school has been very beneficial to all of us…
Well, now it’s Monday here in France – big holiday weekend nearly over – and it is pouring with rain, has done for days. Everyone depressed, no clients, potters weeping into their wine.
BUT I opened your dispatch and the place was flooded with colour and laughter and beauty and crafty ideas. MAM, you are SO cheerful and inspiring. Your time since you left school is doing you (and therefore us) so much good. I am really happy for you.
You’ve got me busily looking for scraps and bits for my own new journal. I’ve been given a birthday gift of a trip to LONDON (scream!) where I was born, as you know. Going with my bestest friend, all expenses etc.
So jealous you have a taco truck. I just get the ice cream truck driving by when it’s dinner time. I’d prefer a taco at that hour. I’m in love with your cans of soup; the colors are edible! Sounds like you had a lovely silly w/e!
Could a Sunday get any better?
Erin in Morro Bay
Shit balls is a useful phrase. I’ll have to add it to my vocabulary. I usually stick to mumbling gdmf. It’s ok because I’m a grandmother and we can say or do whatever we please.
Is that journal going on the trip? perhaps in its own suitcase? Enquiring minds want to know.
First you thrill me with the very cool blind contour drawing, then you make me laugh out loud by pointing out the misspelling (which I, the chairman of an editing committee totally missed…) and THEN you set my stomach to growling with photos of delicious-looking tacos. Loved the over-sized visual journal, the journal of many colors. It’s happy looking.
I’m glad that your Sunday is as nice, if different, than mine. I’m babysitting my 4-year-old grand daughters, who are presently rehearing a play that I will soon be invited to watch.