combinations of red & white are like heroin to me. immediate high. narcotic bliss. all that.
i found myself charged with excitement yesterday and today while i built my new visual journal.
i was so feverish and swoony that i missed a couple of stitches on the spine. whoops and who kayres?!
also someone hid my yellow waxed linen, i ran out of the orange, and i had to switch from red to orange sometime in the 3rd inning. this is one big mother.
i might not have been thinking straight when i started cutting out letters and gluing them on the front. maybe. i’m not sure yet. haven’t decided if it’s a mistake, a tragedy, or staggering genius.
the back is my favorite part. i was going inside the closet to get a roll of paper when the pinwheel i had taped to the closet spoke to me.
“glue me on the back” it said in a james earl jones sort of voice. so i did.
in the unlikely even that you were wondering, the binding on this journal is one i teach in TICKET TO VENICE.
hope you’re having a fabulous saturday. doing something that makes you feel bright eyed and bushy tailed. i know i am!
James earl jones spoke to me last night too. Saw him and Angela Lansbury in Driving Miss Daisy at his majesty theatre in Perth. They were awesome.
this journal is gorgeous!! I also love the red and white wallpaper, and the size is fabulous… So much space to fill!! I can’t wait to see what you do with it.(that much space would have sent me screaming into the corner when I first started journaling, but now, it’s all just pages full of possibility!)
That pinwheel is bee-u-T-ful! Love that James Earl lives in your closet and sends you good ideas. My closet fairy is always whining for cake.
MAM, you just keep blowing me away with your creative fun. Thanks Pam for pushing and you for listening. This is just asking to be filled and I can’t wait to see what you fill it with.
OMG! I think the stars and the planets were all in line for this one it’s Fantastic!You are one productive artist lucky for us!
MAM Can’t wait to see what you put in/on your BIG journal pages! Lovin’ the R & W wallpaper with the shipping labels too! Ohhhhh, the stitching is so cool,I’m convinced I’ll need to take that workshop in prep for the Fall adventure. The paper pin wheel is genius, LOVE IT.
Aren’t you just loving torturing all of your devoted readers with where you will go and what the new travel journal class will encompass??!? The suspense is killing me!
Where did you get the large roll of red and white paper? That looks like a huge roll! Love seeing how this came together. Must prowl for perfect old book covers to recycle. I have not found such things in the used book stores and sales I go to.
Aloha, Kate
Love this new journal Mary Ann – the color combination and the pinwheel on the back is perfect.
I get it … your favorite part. It’s FABulous!
susan i just measured and the journal is exactly:
15 x 11.5 inches
I LOVE this journal!!!! The pinwheel is GORGEOUS!!!! How did you make it?
I AM SO INSPIRED, I will have to make myself a huge journal too, I love it and the cutout letters on the front are Staggering Genius, perfect, all of it!
oh, oh, oh….. this is fabulous. love it all. i am especially coveting some of that red/white wallpaper. sigh….. wish there were flea markets where i am. can’t wait to see what goodies you fill this big bad boy up with. thanks for sharing all you do. curious about where we will go next. have a good day, go glue, paint, draw and have fun.
Did anyone else catch MaryAnn’s hidden gem “i’m thinking i’ll incorporate this technique into the travel journal that i make for TICKET TO… class in the fall.”
Oh boy oh boy oh boy, we are going somewhere with MaryAnn again!! Where are we going? Are we there yet? I gotta pee… oh wait, that’s traveling with me not MAM! LOL
Can’t wait to see what new travel ideas bring!
Just how large are we speaking here? Inch wise?
More adjectives come to mind for Mary Ann: BOLD, joyous; joyously bold (?)
Wow wow wow Mary Ann, that was well worth the wait (and hilarious dreams of large journals chasing me screaming to be filled ha ha ha!!)it is absolutely gorgeous. I love the colour combo and that pin wheel is stunning. Lol I HAVE to take one of your classes soon!!
Huge hugs x
Well OK, you managed to make me all loppy eared with joy again. So loving that pinwheel. Paper patchwork. It works. The best days in our lives when we bump into enthousiasm working on a new project. Mojo Galore! I am ready already for your fall class. For now enjoying making a Paris book. A combination of all your classes. Full Tilt, fabrics, stitching… I love you Mary Ann. Truly. Deeply. Madly. Enjoy your magnificent magical mouthwatering Red Book.
Ok – had to translate the word pinwheel with the nice translation-program… But it just means what it is… something looking like a “Windrad/Windmühle”.
Love the whole journal and it really makes me curios about fall-workshop! Love it. Thanks for sharing.
… (that’s me being left speechless)
Wow! That pinwheel is something else! Love the colour of your new journal and now I’m wondering what you have in mind for the fall????
Love that free style Diamond X — how creative of you! Also love the great old wallpaper you manage to find. I’m just gonna have to thrifting in the city some day, a REAL city. Have a great Sunday. xo
Wow, fabulous as always! Can’t wait to see what you have waiting in the wings….
The back made me gasp in wide-eyed wonder! I can’t wait for the fall!
oh and I almost forgot, when James Earl Jones speaks, you listen. I’d hate to think might what have happened if you hadn’t VBG!
Are you ‘expletive expletive’ freakin’ kiddin’ me girl? This journal is the Mama of all journals, the main squeeze, the bee’s knees, the frosting on the cake, the cherry on top, it’s friggin AMAZING. Seriously, it’s impressive in both stature and execution. You just walked away with a gold medal in the journal making Olympics. Not that any such thing exists in the real world, but in my world, YES. The back pin wheel is stunning. LOVE it all sweet Mary Ann. All that gorgeous color oozing from the covers, it rocks and I can feel the tremors all the way to MN. I have no doubt Carol is gonna feel it too, as it will hit her before making it’s way up to me in MN. I’m in awe as always. You are gonna have a blast fillin this one up for shuuuuurrrrrrr!