today was a good mail day.
jane sent me these mini-pillow postcards she stitched together. those of you from TTV will recognize these as the digital cards i sent you from venice. so clever!
i'm thinking they are the perfect size for cat pillows.
Garri sent me this stunning envelope. pretty huh?
and of course it goes without saying, that i'm thinking about the people of oklahoma this evening. we all are.
It is heart-rending that what was enjoyable here-a summer thunderstorm-was causing death and destruction elsewhere. So many people wrenched from their normal lives while we listened to thunder rolling and the rain on the roof. It is just hard to even think about. My heart cries for them.
So thank you for your cheery colors and notes. Love the beautiful script on the envelope as well as the clever use of the postcards.
Lovely art day in your mail box. The small cushions are such a fab idea!
We need to enjoy and live our life in the moment. Nobody knows what the next moment wll throw at us. Unbelievable how you can be homeless from one minute to the other.
Love em bunches sweet pea. You get the bestest mail art ever!!! VBG. The envie is a keeper too!!!! yup, Oklahoma has been hit hard. Texas too, my heart is breaking for them all. I have family down there (oldest sister) and my niece and her DH are fire fighters in Tulsa and I have no doubt they’ve been called in to help. Such a sad situation. Wishing for a calmer, quieter summer for everyone. Winter is always tough but snow melts, it’s a walk in the park compared to a monster tornado. It doesn’t level entire neighborhoods. xxooxx
Thank you for photographing them; I’m glad your babies are going to enjoy them :-)) Can you smell the lavender in them? I bet they can. You are always an inspiration and you always will be, my friend 🙂