You come to Budapest. You go to Ecseri Flea Market in the XIX district of Budapest – Kispest. Take the M3 metro, exit at Hatar Ut., leave the metro and walk upstairs to catch the busses. Several will take you where you need to go. We caught the 294E and exited at Naszod.
By this time you have left the city centre of Budapest far behind, but you're still inside Budapest. In other words your 7-day transportation pass will still work out here. There are interesting red-roofed houses with gardens. Go up the stairs and cross the highway bridge. You'll see the signs.
High five yourselves. You've ignored the warnings about pickpockets, the incredibly long length of the trip, and all the crap you'll be surrounded with. All lies. All written by sissies. This is a FABULOUS treasure trove full of quirky characters and nice people. One of the largest in Eastern Europe. If you go on a hot day in late summer you may find the nice lady with the giant water mister apparatus who will come over unbidden and soak your shirt. Think of it as a wet t-shirt contest Hungarian style. You'll enjoy it. Don't wear your pink & black Hello Kitty bra with your white shirt. But if you forget and do, it's okay. You'll fit in fine.
You'll probably do a better job of haggling than we did. But even if you're no expert, you'll still pay less than their initial offer. As the saying about Ecseri goes:
"How much of a discount would you give from half your price?"
We made a bee line for the embroidered linens & fabric table. Each of us got a tablecloth. I may have picked up a half dozen smaller pieces. I can't remember. This seasoned Ecseri shopper & his wife have been coming here for the last 15 years.
We have not.
I tried to maintain some degree of aplomb as I sifted through the bright baubles and soviet trinkets.
It was an absolute embarrassment of riches.
I was filled with wild delicious excitement.
I thought these babydolls were so so sweet.
We left the way we came. The shopping bag we'd brought loaded down with our loot. Climbed back on the bus and headed for home.
Did I mention that Ecseri is free to attend? It is!
Must have a seltzer bottle in every color! 🙂
Wantonness case worsening. Two .. maybe three times worse today. No meds for this ailment. I am told to stop tuning into your blog. No Can Do. Hooooked! It was the market which did me in. It’s always the markets, … always. Have one or two of anything for me … I need one or two. You are good at cocktails .. dream something up! Sister looks like trouble. You will miss her. Always love a little trouble. Donna
I am so jealous (and it’s raining and cold in Edinburgh).
Love the loot!
P.S. Aren’t you your Sister’s Keeper?
I’ve been away at a place w/only a tiny blip of internet reception so have just caught up w/your blog(s) (Sister’s also). Such wonderful traveling you two are doing but such sad, sad news also. Be assured there is a kitty door in the gates of heaven.
Didja see any spinning wheels?
Caught up on your travel journal. The food! The scenery! The coffee! The shopping! The pastry!!! What a lovely journey documentary.
Okay. I want OUT of your pocket and I want to go to the flea market and buy my own loot. I am, officially, GREEN with envy. That market looks like it was worth the price of your airline ticket all by itself. Man, you two are having way, WAY too much fun! (Good for you!)
Guess I’ll go do the ironing and think cranky thoughts about not being at the flea market. You are probably eating Hungarian pastries about now, too. Right?
Awesome — puts U.S. flea markets to shame, at least anywhere near where I am! The linen booth alone might be worth a trip to Budapest! Glad you’re having such a fabulous time.
What fun, I enjoyed it with you. So happy I am on this trip with you. Happy Day.
GOOD GRIEF the WHOLE trip is an embarrassment of riches!!! My heart was
pounding as I scrolled down thru the pics. I believe I would have stroked-out if I had actually seen the flea market!!! Thanks so very
much for sharing and the photos are just terrific.
Missy from the bayou
Oh my goodness is about all I can say at this point. I would have been crazy out of my mind there. Maybe one of these days my dream will come true……I keep hoping and praying. I am so incredibly happy for both of you. And thanks so much for sharing your wondeful journey.
But where are the books? The beautiful old foreign-language books whose covers can be upcycled into amazing journals and the pages torn up for backgrounds? Surely you picked up at least ONE…?
(Mary Ann: “Dang it, now we have to go back!”)
Oh the cameras!!! I would love to have seen those in person!! Makes me appreciate my little Holga all the more!! And I liked the dolls too. Too fun. Did you have to purchase more shopping bags to bring home even more loot?
What wonderful adventures you two are having!!!! I’m hoping to find a flea market in Rome next week…
The joy is in the journey and with a destination like that …it’s gravy! Oh you know our weaknesses MaryAnn…I spotted a couple of things I’d have been interested in in your photos but not the creepy baby dolls.
But I too wonder…what about the FOOD?? (oh I am greedy aren’t I)
Wow… so so amazing!!!! From seeing all your pics, now I want to go to there…. that market looks amazing! IT looks like so much fun…. so so envious! hugs bonitarose
Oh my! Magnificient! Any Flea Market makes me run to the THAT place quickly! Hee! But when I get myself back together I have a blast! So glad you have a Buddy to Pal around with now! Have fun!
You know, I suspect that the Ecseri Flea Market is even more wonderful than the one we visited in Paris – and your weather is 1000 times better. But the Ile des Impressionistes was unforgettable.
What I’d like to know is – was the food as good?