If you come to Budapest you'll read about all the regular tourist stuff to do, but you might want something a little further afield. Something not in most of the big guide books.
Somewhere out in the Buda Hills say…out in Zugliget. You can catch the #291 bus from Széll Kálmán tér (formerly Moszkva tér). Take it all the way to the end and look for signs for the Libegő (chair lift) ascending János hill – tallest in Budapest!
The bus rambles through the hills bumping you along in a most pleasant way until you feel like you're far out of the city. Only you're not. Not exactly.
Don't expect any long-winded safety instructions. Nope. You stand on 2 yellow circles and before you can say "maybe this isn't a good idea" the chair lift comes speeding towards your arse and just like that…
you're in the air.
Sister was instructed not to move, laugh, shake the chair, put arms out, or breathe. She ignored me and immediately started fooling around. I was…well the truth is, I was a little bit terrified. And the ride lasted 15 minutes. And we had a round trip ticket so that's 30 minutes. And the way back was super steep and the ground was a long way down.
I got her back good yesterday by dashing on the tram and leaving her behind. ha ha Okay it was an accident and she caught up with me at our usual tram stop. But still.. ha ha.
Eventually I relaxed enough to enjoy the lush green woods and take a few pictures. Mostly we traveled through the woods, but there were a few cool houses close to the bottom of the hill.
Sister continued with her hijinx.
Afterwards we rambled back down the hill on the #291
Stopping for lunch of course. More fizzy lemonades. Mango lemon for me and kiwi lemon for Sister.
Sister's fast asleep now. Her flight leaves first in the morning and she will rise before dawn to head to the airport. I think I'll go stick a tic tac in her mouth.
laughing out loud until the pic of the food. that’s serious business. I wish I had a sister. xo
I JUST realized what it is about your adorable face that gets me every time….you have my granddaughter Olivia’s smile. The smile on your face in the photo on this post with your sister, that’s how ‘Liv smiles at me. I hope she grows up to have your warm heart and writing ability, too…..
Greetings Moss Cottage, Oh no Last day, I do not want this to end:(:( You two are the best I’m the only one and if my dreams could come true I would want the both of you for my sisters 🙂 What a wonderful journey you have taken me on I will have the wet T shirt and sister screaming with me always:) Thank you both wish everyday life did not have to come around if I had the finaces I would hire the both of you to take trips and write about them:)
Safe trip home Buck will always be inside my heart and will carry him softly,
the tic tac; I love the way your mind works!!
HAHAHAHA!! Or a piece of tinfoil….
P.S. I would be the one rocking the lift, for sure, cause I’m crazy like that! *grins*
I am SO hungry now….and thirsty!!
Can you use an extra sister on your next trip?
What a beautiful view from the top… This should be called “The Crazy Fun Adventures of 2 Sisters”! Thanks for bringing us along.
I agree with Violet….can’t you take us next time!! what a wonderful
adventure and especially the tram hijinks!!
thanks for sharing.
missy from the bayou
All I can say is now that is my kind of flying and every time you share a pic of those frosty drinks I get thirsty and then I see the food and get hungry and before I know it I am lost in sensory overload. I LOVE IT. I honestly think you and your sister need to stay at least one more week cuz watching from the sidelines has been delightful to say the least.
Just be glad you weren’t on a woven rope bridge over a cascading torrent filled with boulders and someone who thinks making the whole bridge swing back and forth, up and down, is FUN. I still get queasy just thinking about it and that was in 1985! Gak.
Good lawd, that looks terrifying! Seriously, what is holding you in that seat? Did you get stats on how many people fall off per day?! Sorta reminds me of the ferris wheel, only without any actual safety measures and a lot longer distance to plummet.
Sorry, despite the bacon in that last pic (which makes everything better), I just can’t eat yet. Too petrified from scary flying chairs. Lost stomach somewhere at the top. Will be back later once uncurled from fetal position…
So, I copied the photo to my FOOD folder…and will replicate…. but what is the breaded, sautéed thing? Veal? Chicken? Pork?
I AM a foodie and my best meal was in Munich (1987) …after one of their religious fasts…the BREAK fast meal…. looked a LOT like this but with red cabbage.
Just thought you should know we are ALL paying attention.
Wait … you are going home already? I signed up for the 14 day MAM and SISTER Escapades of Eastern Europe! Sigh. Been lovin all the pics and stories. I noticed that there aren’t that many tatts on people. We went to the Knotts Soak City last year and I thought there was a tattoo convention going on, nope, just another day in Anaheim. Thanks for the vicarious travel. The Mad Hatter just entered the room and I have to pay attention.
Gawd you girls are too fun! I wish you’d take me on one of your adventures!!
You two are just a hoot. I love it. I bet sister is sad to leave……..boy that went fast.
I love the photo of sister scream..shouting out with joy! I’m an only child so this sister hijinks is all new to me. DH and I have had the …train left without me business though and I think we texted each other. I AM the one more inclined to do that to him though…bad woman I guess. I haven’t been on a ski lift since 1972 but your description fits the Swiss one I rode back then – summer time too. Safety??? More like white knuckle death grip.
How fun! My hubby convinced me to take a ski lift years ago during the summer (no snow to catch my potential fall). I still havn’t forgiven him. What an adventure, how great to share it with your sweet sister. I’ll miss her on the rest of our vacation! Thanks for sharing!
What a fun adventure the two of you had. I love the fact that your sister didn’t get on the bus in time and you left her there. I would probably do that to my sister too. But then again I am the younger meaner sister.
What a marvelous adventure you are having. The baths, flea market and touring above the rooftops went on my Budapest list (perhaps without the tram shenanigans though).
wow, those drinks look good!!! I could almost reach out and grab one-LoL