super quick post of some of the loot we brought back from the ecseri flea market!
i had to get some a small animal menagerie to keep baby buck company. carol brought him with her when she came. my cookie!
more tomorrow, but in the meantime… go see her version…to read more about our flea market adventure!
good night from budapest. thanks for all the comments. we read them aloud to each other in dramatic voices. v.v. fun!
Giana Monte
This is one awesome blog post.Thanks Again. Really Cool.
Ok, so I wonder if I start walking now, how long it might take me…I think I need to dust off my magic wings and leave now…but in the meantime I can sit here and be entranced by your story and photos. I am sure we will see much more in the coming days. Gotta love your paper treasures.
ahhhh, the freedom to wander Flea-dom….
Greetinga Moss Cottage, You two always go on some exciting adventure to write back to us. The flea market well what can one say and to be in a wet T shirt contest too:) how wonderful to have all these wonderful exp. Have a great time girls cant wait to see what we do next:),Be careful but then again I think Budabest was not prepaired for the Moss sisters:)
Fun, fun, fun ephemera!!! That’s a good haul!
I agree I am loving your post from Budapest and that paper ephemera you picked up is amazing. This girl is green with envy.
How’s this for dramatic: Look oh wow oh gosh and golly whoopdedoo wundabah you’ve-got-to-be-KIDding I-wanna-I-wanna can I go too huh?huh?huh? happy happy joy joy!
THanks for taking us along for the ride on your trip……….wonderful captures!!
Ah ye wicked scavaging Moss womens scoure away!!! You flea market vixens!
Lovin all the luscious finds from your flea market journey. I just can;t wait to get home from work and sit down to see what you girls have seen that day. Thanks sooooooooooo much for sharing!
Honestly, I don’t know what’s more fun, reading both yours and Carol’s blog posts, or reading the comments by my fellow pocket travelers who are also addicted to reading of your excursions. So happy to see baby Buck made the trip too. (You vill read my comments in your best German accent please!)
can you hear the clapping?’s REALLY loud from where I sit.
I am beyond jealous! I love flea market finds and the paper ephemera…… die for!! I also love the little picture of Buck…..glad you brought him along! Tha k you for the posts…..look forward to them daily!
I’m loving your Budapest posts…they bring back so many fond memories of my time spent there almost 12 years ago. It looks just as lovely as ever! Thanks so much for sharing the joy with us.
Wow! Looks fantastic! Can’t wait to see more!
This post has left me with a case of wantonness. Untreatable at this moment. Drooling occurring … need larger towel. Donna
I can just imagine the two of you sitting in the evening, relaxing from an adventurous day reading the comments in dramatic fashion. How cool is that???????? The memories captured in the journals on the table. Side walk cafe’s wooing you with untold delicacies; the smells, the sounds, the pure joy of this city. Oh,how I live vicariously through your journey.
What fun! I am so glad youre having a fabulous time… and that your sister is there with you to share it all and keep you company.
Me want the hand embroidered linens. Me more than want. Me LUST for those linens. I have a collection of flea market and garage sale needlepoint pillows. Seems like they’re all done by “my grandma”. Hmmmm. I have my grandma’s needlepoint pillows and would NEVER sell them for a dollar at a garage sale. My studio sofa is covered in needlepoint pillows done by many grandmas including my own! Love your posts! Sis, too! Be sure to read the first part of this message in a dramatic voice. Out loud.
It was a dark and stormy night in Budapest. Mary Ann looked out the window with trepidation, wondering how a night could be stormy and dark at the same time, given the constant staccato strobe of lightning.
“Come back to the table,” her sister said nervously. “Uh, look, we have pastries.”
“That we do,” Mary Ann intoned dramatically, with a dramatic inflection in her dramatic voice. “Yet…”
Lightning flashed.
“…I am not hungry,” she said.
Thunder boomed. Rain pounded the windows. A scream was heard in the distance. Or was it the telephone? One could never tell…
…in Budapest.
Please read my comment with a Scottish accent! Enjoying every bit of your trip ~ thank you both for sharing!
Oh be still my beating heart. I love it all especially the paper ephemera and linens……..oh dear me. I think I will just sit here and drool and maybe pout a little……….won’t do me any good but might do it anyway.
Your flea market finds in foreign lands always make me weak in the knees! I am definitely putting Budapest on my bucket list (for more reasons than just flea markets, though!). Thanks for taking us along on your adventures!
I love your flea-finds! It sounds like you two are having so much fun, shopping,
eating, drinking, swimming….and the best part for me is that you share your fun
and photos. I think you two should start a travel company and be tour guides!
Thanks for the sharing.