Ari Seth Cohen of Advanced Style, one of the blogs listed in my sidebar, took this fantastic photo.
80 Year Old Designer Miyano Haraki.
As I have pointed out before I am no vision of sartorial splendor. Oh no. Not me. And, to be honest, I have very little interest in fashion featuring young kittens prancing about with pouty expressions. But I do enjoy going to Ari’s blog and catching up on all the advanced fashionistas he features on a regular basis. I appreciate the way he showcases quirky people who lead rich lives and dress accordingly. Bravo Ari!
My newest summer read. After slogging through the last book, which I removed from my sidebar as quickly as I could lest someone mistakenly think it was worthy of their attention, I happened upon Jan Morris’ book above. Now I’m imagining a month in a Welsh countryside cottage. A quiet fire. The smell of woodsmoke. A cup of tea by my side.
Have you heard of reading retreats? Laura Miller has written about them HERE in such a captivating way! My sister & I always find such pleasure in tramping about our foreign destinations with books in our bags. In Lisbon we found the loveliest outdoor living rooms in which to hunker down and read at our leisure.
Pure contentment to roam a new city with a book in tow. Slow travel at its very finest.
I found THIS article about Jan Morris and the enduring love she shares with her partner of 60 years. Seemed to go with the other themes in this post so I pass it along to you thinking you may enjoy it as well.
And finally, I received more comments yesterday from THIS post. Forget the post though! So many wonderful comments there from a fine troupe of older women. Even a poem! How I have enjoyed reading each one.
This woman is a new discovery of mine and she just puts me in the dirt!
(well, she floors me)
oPP’S Moss Cottage forgot to add reads Mary ann Anderews books there a good summer read “”Summer rental” wonderful. Your pages are so much fun to look at Love the tape and I say MAM make room in another drawer one can not have to many tapes:)
Have a peaceful summer,
Greeting Moss Cottage, How simply devine this women is. Im not there yet just turned 64 and loving this age although some days are good others with health issues to deal with but I have always been true to myself and kept (me) always. never did follow everyones else path always stayed true to me when I was much younger made a promise to myself to walk my own path have my own thoughts smile as often as I could and show others the kindness of me. its taken me along way on my lifes path.
Just want to thank you, Mary Ann, because you have just within the past week or so answered two of the many questions that have been floating around in my head lately.
One was answered in one of your latest wonderful FTB videos, when you asked yourself the same question of “What will I do now that I have so many wonderful journals?” Then you answered it so perfectly and simply — “Why, make ANOTHER one of course!!” (not your exact words, I don’t think, but…) you have no idea how that has calmed my questioning mind and made me smile as I headed off to the workroom to begin ANOTHER!! 🙂
The second question that you have answered – or helped to answer – pertains to your post on being 72, as I am facing many of the questions that go along with that time in my life. One of those questions is how to dress, and find clothes, that suit a list of “musts”. How does one dress, in the year 2011, to look like a 62 year old that is happy to be a 62 year old, with still a bit of creativity or style, and not look like a 62 year old who looks like shes trying to be 19? I’m happy being 62, wrinkles and all. I think wrinkles are beautiful and show a persons character, years of sculpting through hundreds of life experiences show up on a persons face. I truely believe the saying that beauty comes from the inside — what goes on in there and radiates out, and shows up in a persons face and eyes. But, anyway, back to my thank you — for posting the lovely site above, about Advanced Style! I have looked for a site like that, and was never able to find one. I am so excited to look through it!
You are GREAT, Mary Ann Moss!!!!
heard review of this book (on BBC Radio) when I was driving up west coast of Great Britian…”Running For the Hills” Horatio Clare ’bout growing up in Wales..Got it when I got back, interesting….another book in the same spirit….Monty Hall’s (not of Let’s Make a Deal 🙂 “Great Escape” He documents his attempt at crofting on the west coast of Scotland (Applecross)….though I just got back from Turkey I am reading “The Greater Journey” by David McCullough…..really good…..Love your classes, site, thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful links. A lot of new things for me to read and ponder. Your blog is so inspiring to me. Thanks for all you do.
Wow, what a story about Jan Morris. Thanks for posting the link. Now I’ve got to read her!
Advanced Style is one of my daily reads. I’m far from being a fashionista but I enjoy seeing all the women (and men) who are. Our bodies may get older but our inner selves don’t have to. I plan to still be “me” when I’m 72 and even beyond. Now I’m off to see if my library has the Jan Morris book.
thanks for the heads-up on those fabulous posts!!! I am 59 and thot the poem was well- poetry!! and the line about denial being helpful was
a treasure!! It is true when they say we are a soul that is in a body not a body that is a soul. I see the ‘shell’ changing everyday and know it is just part of the journey but my soul is timeless and forever and YOUNG!! I can’t seem to learn enuf or experience enuf. Ain’t life grand….
missy from the bayou
Jan Morris is worthy of being a lot higher than 15th on the list of greatest writers since the war, and I HEARTILY recommend the British Empire Trilogy – it is so beautifully written that you will put down the third volume wishing it were longer! “Conundrum” is also a very special book.
Thank you for the article about Jan Morris. It again shows us that instead of judging people,we should just love them. 🙂
I did not know about reading retreats, but now I do. Thank you, Mary Ann.
My first thought was that I could go on my own all by myself, at the place I am remodeling, since I have nothing much to do these days, then I thought the one in Italy sounded interesting, then I thought “well, hell, when the house is ready I could have one there, with a few people, since reading and hanging out with a few choice souls sounds a lot better”.
I’ll try one on my own first, then I will let the world know how it went!
Well, I’m amazed at that relationship. Any relationship that lasts that long amazes me, but I didn’t expect the surprise element in this one!
I didn’t comment as I’m not 72 – but thanks for directing me back to those wonderful older women.
I would so like to be around when you are 72 – and maybe I will be – but I believe I have a good picture in my mind of how you will be. Not much changed, I think. Perhaps a bit more Mama Moss-ish.