Hello Brown Sugar. With your petals glimmering copper & bronze. And red velvet pads.
This isn't photoshop. This is the rich and succulent natural world. No enhancements necessary. My rods & cones are working overtime.
The macro lens is perfect for flowers. An extension of my eye, only larger, more keen.
I could literally see more epiphyllums opening as I worked outside in my journal. In the space of an hour this one (name unknown), which is one of my original plants, went from tight bud, to opening bud, to …
click once to open, then click again to see these tiny creatures having a party on one of the petals!
The thing about epiphyllums is their petals are glossy. They radiate light.
I am drunk on wonder. Hypnotized by a flower. A flower!
Whew. That's a whole lot of love.
p.s. the answer is YES. Istanbul! I tossed in the winter photo to throw you off. But it really does snow there. Really!
good grief, your photography is stunning, amazing, awe inspiring. My eyes are swooning in appreciation!
how exciting…that reminds me of a song…im so jealous!
The flower photos are stunning. Really.
I love the new logo!
Love the new banner, sister. and cheers for Istanbul for both you, my sisters.
and God is most alive in beauty and everything else. i think of that line from Alice Walker’s
The Color Purple about how it pisses God off when we pass by the color purple in a field
(or garden) and don’t notice and admire it. that’s the God i believe in.
Man I think I need a new camera…bet you can’t wait to incoporate some of these lovely florals in your journals! And YES the snow really threw me…lol
oh man, love your adventuresome spirit. istanbul sounds very exciting.
and the new profile pic of you on your blog, well, still rolling on the floor laughing..
Your photos are gorgeous! I especially love the first one, the color and light are amazing. Istanbul…can’t wait to travel vicariously with you
stunning. of course.
now i am drunk too, and i am at work! beautiful =))
Love the new banner and your line, “An extension of my eye, only larger, more keen.” You’re keen. That’s perfect.
i had rods and cones once but they told me to put them back.
congrats on your trip!
Brown Sugar – now that is a flower after my heart! Wow.
Those little creatures having a party on your blosson – well, if they only showed up in small groups only! On my plants – they have major demonstrations!!!
When will you be going to Istanbul? A place that is loaded with history…
That Brown Sugar! She is one of your stalwarts. I love seeing her many faces. And what a macro lens you have!