Belated Thanksgiving greetings to each and every one of you who stops by for a visit, whether on rare or frequent occasion. My daily life is made richer because of it. In my heart of hearts I am just a big overgrown craft monkey who digs show & tell. My artistic inner life has blossomed under your constant warm attention. And for that I am deeply and truly thankful.
Mary Ann & the cat posse
Have missed you my friend!
Happy belated to you too =)
Belated greetings back atcha…you are a gem…
I love visiting your blog. If I only have time for one it’s always yours. I so enjoy being able to peek in at you on your creative adventures and escapades here. Thanks a bunch for publishing!
Thanksgiving love and greetings right back at you! You’re always an inspiration for me and you lead me down roads I might not otherwise have traveled.
Happy Thanksgiving season to you too!
Thanks for sharing yourself with all of us
Your blog is my go-to blog, love all of the inspiration, the humor (oh, my aching sides!), your luscious journals, book reviews, photos-to-die-for, vicarious travel enjoyment…girl, you have got it all going on!
many thanksgiving blessings to you!
i am a daily voyeur here and love your blog, your art and the occasionally craft monkey display – i enjoyed the Stencilry class as well. but really your quirky (and I mean that in a good way), slightly odd sense of humor makes me giggle when i visit and that is what i like mostest….
Thank YOU for your sense of humor, your eye for beauty, your creativity and your inspiration, and for sharing it all with us.
From our home to yours, many thanks for all the inspiration and motivation. Peace.
Your blog is definitely one the things I am thankful for!
And thank you, Mary Ann, for your inspiration and awesome creativity!
Back atya, Mary Ann and many more to come.
Thank you for being so inspiring, Mary Ann! And please give your delightful cat posse tummy rubs from me – I am such a kitty purrson…
Thanks are due YOU. Many thanks for you, your heart, eye, and mind.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season! Enjoying stopping by for some inspiration!