Here's where I'm at so far with the new visual journal. Usually I order a ream of large Fabriano sheets of paper. This time I ordered a 15 page, 14 by 20 watercolor block. I needed pages that were 14 by 8 to fit inside the ledger covers, so the block was the perfect size.
Step 1 I removed the old text block from vintage ledger leaving the original intact. You already saw this HERE.
Step 2 I made 4 signatures with 3 folios each. 48 pages total front & back. Each page is the exact same size as the original pages inside the ledger. I've come to the conclusion that one reason I wrestle so much with the sewing of my books is because I put too many folios in each signature. I usually have 3 signatures with at least 6 folios in each.
4 signatures
3 folios in each signature
Step 3 I rounded the corners of my pages with a corner punch. I've never done this before and decided to try it.
Tomorrow I'll show you the rest. I would have gotten more accomplished today except that I came home from a long day with my 25 little punks and did this instead:
Leaving the bed unmade makes falling back into it ultra convenient. I've only just climbed out long enough to write this post and make myself look more productive than I really am. The signatures were folded and corners were rounded yesterday evening in front of the television while I watched the new series Flash Forward. This was an enormously rewarding activity! I am an unabashed lover of television and I will not repent.
My blunt little bookbinding needles arrived today! Along with this crimson waxed linen. Yum.
If I weren't heading straight back to my book, cat, and mismatched bed linens, I would sew the signatures tonight. But I am reminded of one of my most inspirational quotes: Why do today what you can put off for tomorrow?
Hi Mary Ann,
I was just curious as to where you purchase your ream of Fabriano paper. Do you cut you own paper to size? I must be the worse cutter in the world. Anytime I cut my own paper it is never even…urrr.
Thank you,
rounded corners! LOVE those. I round all the corners I can without falling down. You are right to rest from such great decisions. LOVE it.
I love my Japanese hole punch that I also bought from Volcano Arts! I’m intrigued by that corner punch. This weekend I made a book with a dark brown spine and threads in goldenrod orange and hot pink.
Love the rounded corners! I’m going to try that on my next book. And the red thread is gorgeous. I’d want it to show!!
What did you think of Flash Forward? I’m a Lost follower Big Time, and it has that same feel to me.
Yes, I agree. I need that red waxed thread.
I’m not quite sure what for……..but it is sooooooooo beautiful.
My secret vice: on line solitaire…….so very soothing.
My faves:
“Look before you leap”
“He who hesitates is lost”.
I believe that covers it.
I can’t wait to see the finished journal. Red thread, very subversive! I hear a nap calling my name right now and I will be seduced by the call. I have lots of stuff to put off until tomorrow!
jessica – i ordered that thread, needles, and a new japanese punch from VOLCANO BOOK ARTS. i am very pleased with their service and would highly recommend! i must remember to link to them in my next post.
I will write you a comment tomorrow~ Love the new bindings!
Yikes- cat trying to help me type!!!
OOH…love that crimsom waxed linen. If I ordered some I would probably never get around to using it like you are, I would just add it to my shelf of “possibilities” and fondle it once in awhile. I just adore watching you get those things done! I am one of those who truly does not watch much t.v. and could not even tell you what is on network, but the things I watch on TNT and A&E I am rabid about. Old Law & Order re-runs.. I really enjoy Leverage too. Also The Closer, Saving Grace, and I so enjoyed the short season of Patrick Swayze’s The Beast. I wonder if I could get it on the Netflix…I’d like to see it again.
i love the thread!! where did you order it from?
You sound like my sort of gal!
Mary Ann…you are such a hoot…thanks for making me laugh:} I do not know how you can get anything done after being in a classroom everyday with 24 kids…AWWWWwwww I’d be so brain dead…and reading a book would just put me to sleep sooner…have a great weekend. heck…go ahead and do NOTHING…you’ve earned it…take care, Roberta
I am loving these posts on making your new journal. I have always “wondered” so many questions as I look at your journals….thank you for answering them in such a visual, understandable way!
Ahhh…my favorite quote! Lol…I’m enjoying reading your posts. Isn’t it great that someone in SC can “listen in” on your artversations?
It is refreshing to hear you admit your television enjoyment. There are so many who claim otherwise. I found a new way to watch this spring whilst in enforced lassitude: Instant Watch Netflix! I could view series that I had been curious about but never watched, my new fave: Leverage.
The journal is so proper and orderly right now. Thanks for doing the step by step.
I do almost everything (art related) in front of the TV, even better when it’s something I can do in bed. I recently discovered Neocolor watercolor crayons, so now I can do the background pages in my journal in bed too. Heaven!
I just have to tell you that I can’t wait to see your finished book. I am taking a book binding and art journal class and am loving it, but I totally love your style. Thanks so much for sharing all of the details!