Couldn’t wait to get home to stitch up this practice book. I used scraps of heavy-weight stenciled paper for my book tapes. I sewed the tapes over the signatures. It’s not difficult I swear. Under the tapes, over the tapes. 21 times in this case.
I kept the disobedient signatures in place with a bulldog clip. The fewer distractions the better.
I consulted my Keith Smith book, but find the combination of instructions and diagrams unnecessarily complicated. Simplicity works best for me when forging new neural pathways. That and repetition.
It’s 70 degrees at 7:20 pm and the sun is already down. Time to head outdoors for a stroll through the neighborhood. You know what I’ll be thinking about while I’m walking don’t you?
If these were edible I would over-indulge…..
“Simplicity works best for me when forging new neural pathways. That and repetition.”—I love this statement…may I adupt it? So clever..
The book is yummy…I want to touch it.
Georgia O’Keeffe…It was interesting..the movie and this video and another one where she speaks infront of an audience..don’t you find her personality different in both. I think she was more difficult and self absorbed than the movie showed her to be. My last post is also inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe.
Great to visit here…always festive.
My goodness you have been a busy girl! I haven’t checked in for several days and look at what I’ve missed. Those gorgeous end papers, that lovely cover, those handwritten notes, what a find. And your “practice” pieces look fab. But most of all I like the green spray paint on the clip!!
Mary Ann, You’re doing such a good job! I love the way you attached the tapes to the cover of the book. You look like you’re having a wonderful time with it. I find Keith Smith tough going, and I’ve found several places where his diagrams and instructions did not match. You might look at a book called Books with Girth by Cherryl Moote. You have to order the book from her – Have fun, and I can’t wait to see what you put in your beautiful cover
Wow, you’re doing an amazing job.
Thanks for reminding me about the movie. I got the day wrong the first time, and forgot about tonight. At least I’ve only missed 20 minutes!
Your practice books are looking good. I like how you’re making them with whatever you have on hand.
I loved the Georgia movie!! I recorded it so I can watch it over and over a few times.
For tapes: Save your old tyvek envelopes. Paint them – rub craft paint in with rag, re-paint if desired, different look each time (brown ones look like leather). Cut into tape strips. Glue ends down with mod-podge.
These recent posts about bookmaking have been so informative and helpful. I would never have tried coptic stitch on my own, but the links you gave made it seem easy. Written directions, and even diagrams, are hard for me to follow in these things, but if I can SEE it, I am okay.
I have a huge old book with photos of France in it, the photos aren’t too interesting surprisingly, and have some water damage, but I bought the book for the cover which is embossed and gorgeous…now I have an idea of how to use it, finally!
your journals are wonderful!! i haven’t tried sewing over cords yet, but i love to sew over tapes! thanks for sharing your process with us! :))
Oooooooh thank you for the ‘squisite Georgia vid. xxx
I just had a T!m Holtz class where we made a book, and I sure better start another one or I’ll totally forget. I love that x at the ends of your tape. You are more of a seamstress than I am!
Love your photos of this process. It makes so much more sense to me than some of the books I have tried to wade through. Of course when I see written instructions, my eyes glaze over and I become more confused. Thanks so much for sharing this journey with us!
Inspiring! Gorgeous work!
I am SO going to watch it tonight on the dvr and I am SO excited. I have read two biographies about her. It’s unusually warm (67) here, too. I think we are getting your Santa Ana’s. 😉 I sure miss those.
Love your books, as always. Keith’s books are fabulous, but I never read them, I only look at the pictures to figure them out! 😉
well Alice, since these are practice, I sewed them onto the last signature, but if i were adding covers i imagine they’d get glued/sewn on to those. that would require further investigation…. if i were doing a paper cover i’d glue the paper tapes on, then stitch. if it was a hardcover, i’d probably use sturdier cloth tapes or cords, drill tiny holes and sew on.
This is fascinating, especially as I find myself in the same place right now – just diving in to bookbinding and practicing with cereal boxes, scrap paper, phone books, and the whole shebang. I feel like you’re my magic twin.
Question – what did you do with those tapes after sewing the signatures on? Are they just cross-stitched to the last signature? Or are you adding a cover?
Yes, Keith Smith never uses one word when ten will do. But I think his diagrams are fabulous.