Drank this entire cup of coffee while staring into space. the whole entire time.
More staring. Some things beg to be admired.
read a poem:
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
for breakfast
Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold
Doodled at my sewing machine.
Dangerously conducted messy experiments next to where laundry dried in the sun.
Strawberry infused limoncello spooned over a small white mound of frozen plain yogurt from Trader Joe's. I ate.
What a lovely snack – have a go at some Sambuca!
lol, i’m with leslie… looks *fine* to me. xo
Very cool post. And glad to share a part of the day with you!
Staring to just stare, the beginning of many great things………..Stare on my friend, stare on!
Hey, my mother used to do that all the time – the limoncello soaked straweberries part..
Obviously someone who knows exactly how best to use a well-earned vacation. Enjoy!
you do fun stuff, i want to follow you around, do your fun stuff too.
Can we talk? Do you know what WCW does to me? Well, stop it.
nuff said.
Here’s the deal: lemoncello is fab. TJ’s lemon curd is fab, too. What you do is, you get a madeleine. you soak it a tad in lemoncello. you put a mound of real whipped cream in a bowl, nest the infused madeleine in it, top with a dollop of lemon curd.
Eat at least two.
ps — totally love your thread leaf. love.
“Strawberry infused limoncello spooned over a small white mound of frozen plain yogurt from Trader Joe’s. I ate.” “It was delicious. So sweet and so cold.”
Love Erica-Lynn Gambino’s reply, too. 🙂 Especially having told the artist who was driving me insane to move out of my house, many years ago………..
oh i just love those orchids and i love your work. when you do a session of stitched and stencilled for newcomers please let me know!
a fine day and here’s another poem, just because it makes me smile a bit in response to w.c.w, whom i love dearly:
This Is Just to Say ~ Erica-Lynn Gambino
(for William Carlos Williams)
I have just
asked you to
get out of my
even though
you never
I would
Forgive me
you were
me insane
Your orchids are divine!!! Love the pretty sewing…I so want to do things like that. Limoncello, strawberries, yogurt…super yummy…doing that fer sure.
You are growing more and more fluent with that sewing machine! fancy schmancy!
Looks like summer is in full swing at Moss Cottage. Enjoy! You’ve earned every minute by spending most of the year with chattering monkeys.
Well, I can’t think of a single thing wrong with this list.
Shadddup! That’s a killer great day! You know how to live.
oh you sweet girl… I spent my whole day painting to This American Life and gess what one section of one show was about…. That bastard of an unforgiving poet William Williams… How perfect for you to share it at the same time, moment and all!! Have a stellar weekend! xo
I once knew an orchid
that enticed me to stare
outside for the summer
so happy in the shade
until one night
havalinas came foraging
who determined the flower
to be quite tasty
and sweet
Love that poem, love Limoncello, OOOH I sure do miss Trader Joe’s. That red thread is so luscious. A fine day indeed!
Mmmmmmm hmmmm that is one fine day!
Looks and sounds like a pretty darn good day to me! Especially that last part!