1. alfama, 2. azulejos, 3. up the hills and far away, 4. Untitled, 5. expresso, 6. Pescadores em Caçilhas (Lisboa), 7. 14 | I wish you a happy Earth Day, 8. Keeping safe, 9. Entrada Praça do Comércio
A southern city. A city at the same time burning and cool that contains in the horizon the promise of the sea and the salted wind sweeping the hills.
– Simone de Beauvoir
Passage has been booked. Living quarters have been secured. The path of possibility is open wide. It’s my favorite place to be.
Earlier, way earlier, some of you clever people knew the location of this city by the sea just by looking at the photos. Yes siree, my sister and I are off to follow in the footsteps of Gulliver, but we do not intend to be captured by the people of Lilliput. Of course if we are I think for the price of a story they will let us go.
Off to Lisbon at the end of July!
Found your blog via Pamela G and voila Portugal!!! One of my fav places in the world as my husband is Portugeuse and he proposed to me there…if you are staying for a longer visit I would also recommend Obidos (little touristy but beautiful) and Braga (wonderful and beautiful here full of history)oh yes…and Mafra (holds one of Europe’s largest libraries) I’m sure you’re going to Pasteis Belem it is a MUST! Hope you enjoy a wonderful visit 🙂
I wish I could go!
sigh…you traveling sisters off now to Portugal!!!
Lisboa; be still my heart!! The best stencil graffiti I’ve seen anywhere – eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Oh, how wonderful! Portugal!! Love that collage of photos….so colorful. Those tile designs would make great stencils!!!! See what you’ve done to me!
Bon voyage!
I hate to get pushy here, but when is Stencilfest 2? I am addicted to the stencil drug and you are my connection. 😉 (grin)
Oh I am go glad that the new track didn’t cause unfixable travel kinks. There is enough kinkery here as it it is. Aprecie!
Everybody wins. Your travel plans sound very exciting.