I’m in it.
All day I couldn’t wait to hightail it out of work and get home in time to take a picture of the beaded eyeglass leash/chain/necklace (pick one) I made for a teacher friend. I imagined the bell ringing at 2:58 and me pushing through the throngs of mothers with baby strollers. My own straggling line of 2nd graders trailing behind me like bleating lambs. Baaaaaaaaaaa. I could just hear them. It was like a nightmare really, with me trying in vain to make it to the gate and safely into the parking lot. I was almost there before 3 mothers corralled me with their baby strollers to ask me a question about homework. “HOMEWORK?” I would shout. Then, “Out of my way mamacitas!” I’ve got pictures to take, more eyeglass chains to make, journal pages to create about the beaded eyeglass chains, then more pictures of the journal pages. Finally I saw myself sailing up the 110 freeway for home. But that’s not how it went down. None of that actually happened.
Instead I got corraled into the staff lounge to listen to the president of the teacher’s union rattle on for over an hour. Our chapter chair pressed a camera into my hand and before I could protest I was given the job of picture taker. I tried to be attentive I really did, but all I could think of was the fading light and losing the picture. I had the misfortune of sitting at the front table. A quick catnap was not an option. That was when I noticed the shoes that the union fellow was wearing. They were cartoon shoes – gleaming black and white patent leather church shoes. And they were mesmerizing. Before I knew what was happening I had snapped 2 pictures of just the shoes.
Flash forward to now. My second post and finally my dark picture of the beaded eyeglass chain. Good thing I’m going off-track for 2 months on Friday. I’ll have plenty of daylight to make stuff and take pictures.
I LOVE that chain…..
but, I wanna see the shoes!