Greetings middle-aged mammals and all homo sapiens coming here on a Sunday for a read and catch up!
At the end of May, I spent more time going for chariot rides on the back roads of Santa Barbara. I stayed up in the Mission Hills again and shortly after daybreak most mornings I sailed down hwy 192 headed towards Butterfly Beach. The coast mountain ranges were draped in fog. There was drizzle early with mostly grey days, but the sun also shot its mighty beams down from the sky and illuminated everything periodically. On this back highway I always find myself in a blissful state. There is an abundance of growing things and singing birds and banks of petals and leaf all mounded beside the road. One doesn’t know where to look.
I saw Syd & Mary & Sharron again. We had some good laughs over our art-making. Here’s some of what I did.
I drew pages of blind and semi-blind contour drawings in my almost-finished giant sketchbook with the thin crinkly pages. It’s just a Strathmore sketchpad meant for dry media, but if you paint on it, it’s divine. I did an Instagram reel of a quick flip through last week. Horses, geese, swans, birds, people. One thing leads to another. I’m not a planner, I just go with the flow.
Lots of quick & dirty drawing with the brush.
Sharron and I did some upside down portraits. Not the standard kind you might be familiar with, but THIS kind as shown on this Good Ship Illustration Art Club video. It’s confusing and hilarious. Try it!
How I love walking on the beach in the morning. Look at this By-The-Wind-Sailor.
They were washed up on all the beaches. Their journeys on the warm ocean currents over forever.
Sometimes my journeys seem over forever, but no, I’m just taking a travel sabbatical. Sticking close to home. I don’t like leaving Otto & Iris for more than 5 days or so. I haven’t been in an airplane since 2018. I feel wistful thinking about the old exploring days and riding busses in foreign cities and picking things up off the street and pulling stickers off light poles to put in my journal. But I’m more careful with my money these days. I have old-house issues that need attention.
Heading north to Santa Barbara county never gets old. Walking beside the ocean is a gift. So I am content to stay in California for now.
After a walk on the beach I like to visit Pierre la Fond in Montecito and transcribe conversations. I have heard the most outlandish talk here. This is a place of high rollers and eccentrics and their chatter is fascinating. I get my cinnamon rose, plop down in a chair, and tune in to the static from distant galaxies.
I’ve been on a horse-drawing kick. Gorgeous creatures forced to run races for the entertainment of people. May I live to see the entire industry dismantled one day.
I find one must draw an animal a lot to really capture it. I’m not there yet, but I have fun swishing my paint brush around and trying.
It’s all practice.
Our weather is cool and grey. Unusually so. We’re rarely getting over 70. In fact, I believe April was sunnier than May or June so far. Typical to have a heavy marine layer hanging over the coast this time of year, but the persistence of the cool temperatures is not typical.
Cathy Cullis, who I follow on Substack, had a loosely defined fill-a-sketchbook challenge. I thought I might fill this toned grey sketchbook and finally be done with it. I quickly realized though that I’d have to work even faster than I usually do. It’s a fun concept especially if your sketchbook is small, but it’s impossible for me to fill 30 more pages tomorrow. Or is it? I did 5 pages today then needed a nap. Maybe tomorrow I can do 5 more. We’ll see!
I will say it’s laughter inducing! These pages were meant to take 7 minutes, but ended up taking 28 minutes because I kept hitting the timer again and the bird on the left has major issues and looks like a first grader painted him in under 1 minute.
As soon as I finish typing this post I’m going to march into different rooms and draw more things with my paint brush. Maybe I’ll do some little horse heads, or mushrooms after that. Who can say? I will devote myself and get this sketchbook finished for once and for all!
But probably not this weekend.
The sun shone briefly the other day. I captured an actual shadow.
Sharron and I did a timed exploration of birds without using any references. It was v.v.v. funny. I think I will do this again today. I had seen a giant pelican with his landing gear down that morning and wanted to capture it.
That’s all friends. This is my last week of school with the children. They culminate on Friday. I plan to come home and collapse in an exhausted heap. Then it’s onward to jury duty. I hope it’s exactly the same as in Jury Duty the mockumentary by the same name, but I have a feeling it won’t be. I wonder if I can take my sketchbook with me if I get sequestered. Hmmm…
Thanks for the little notes left on my last post. I didn’t respond to a single one even though I thought I had. I loved reading them and hope everyone received my telepathic responses.
I hope you’re experiencing many moments of bliss and tranquility and zero moments of irritation, anxiety, panic, or fear. But this being life I’m sure you’re getting a well-rounded daily menu of tragedy and wonder and boredom and frustration and elation and calm just like me. I raise my glass to you in a salute. CARRY ON!
Oh I do so agree about horses, Mary Ann. It offends people who like racing and so on to be told this but I am never happy seeing them being made to strain everything to win.
Here’s a quote from Shaun Tan’s book Tales From Outer Suburbia – Horses know this more than most: the greatest curse of any animal is to be worth money to men.
If I think about this for too long, thinking of all animals, I could cry and cry. xx
Oh Chrissy what beautiful thoughts about horses. That quote is going into my sketchbook. Horseracing, bullfighting and running of bulls and so many other things that are dreadful practices. We must treat our fellow mammals better and consider different ways to entertain ourselves that don’t involve animal sacrifice and extreme fear and distress.
Perhaps upside down sketching!
YOU ARE SO WISE, AT2! What you said about the inevitable dark and light in our human lives is SO TRUE. I’m just rereading SWAMPLANDS OF THE SOUL by James Hollis – who absolutely agrees with you. You’d appreciate his writing.
Your horses and cats and crazy art are fab, as usual, but mostly it’s just wonderful to hear from you, about you!
I will reserve a copy at my public library via my beloved LIBBY app.
I wish you still blogged. I miss hearing from you. xoxo
I should arrange to meet you at Pierre Lafond one year! I’m back to annual long Memorial Day weekend art retreats in Montecito. Since our last retreat center (La Casa de Maria, around the corner from Pierra Lafond) partially washed away several years ago, we’ve been meeting at Westmont College. That college has a fantastic, small art museum–Ridley-Tree! I highly recommend it. Rae Dunn curated the current exhibit and it’s inspiring! (The current exhibit is open only through June 17).
I’ll check it out! I’ve never been to Westmont College. I’d love to check out that little museum. Thanks for telling me.
A glass of cheer to Summer and sketchbooks and stickers in the wild! I never thought of stickers in the wild before this post! I will be on the prowl forevermore!
Thanks for a fun few minutes in your life. I wish I had your sketching painting ambition. I have all the tools, cats, views, I just need a little bit of your motivation. Cheers to you too.
Your post is the sunlight on this june gloom day…xox
Oh Mary Ann, I just love how your kitties sleep in each others arms! Reminds me of my sweet boys! Mr. T keeps us entertained with his various antics (showing up on the roof at 4am, demanding to be let in, or depositing dead vermin by the back door, obviously proud of his hunting skills). But he’s so lovable that we overlook these behaviors. Thank you for keeping me informed of your adventures! Always love it when your email flies into my box! Wishing you a delightful summer full of morning beach walks, hilarious drawing sessions with dear friends, & lots of time with the fur babies! Sunshine your way! Nan Dodson