I’ve uploaded the first video to the OMG! class website/blog HERE. That’s a screenshot of it above.
Enjoy it! More to follow. I’ll probably get another one up today. Again, these are found by visiting the OMG! class blog, signing in, and clicking on 2022 in the menu bar up at the top of the page.
I made a mistake on the ZOOM dates and fixed them in that post, as well as yesterday’s post here on DFLA. July 3, 9, 17 – 3 weekends in a row. If you’ve never used ZOOM, ask one of the kids in your extended family how.
They are sure to know! OR you can go watch this fast Youtube video with instructions.
I suggest you join with a laptop or desktop computer for the most trouble-free, best viewing experience. Some Zoom features (like the pin button) don’t seem to work on ipads or phones. Your mileage may vary.
Otto & Iris are my best buddies. I adore them more each day if that’s even possible. We are bonded.
Making new videos for a class is strange and wonderful. I’m having to relearn everything about everything. I imagine I’m creating new neural pathways and causing lots of dendrites to wake up and start their jumping jacks. Surely this is very good for maintaining the plasticity of my brain and preventing future dementia. Or not.
At least in the world of make-believe I can pretend my brain health is robust.
Look what Otto & Iris can do!
Oh the little dears. Oh, oh, oh.
I keep calling Otto, Wyatt by mistake. But in truth they have very different personalities.
Thaz it! Just a quicky post on a Sunday mostly for my OMG peeps, but you too. Hello & howdy. I’ll just be here working and playing.
I truly love your blog.
This is what I found!
How do dendrites receive information?
The role of dendrites is crucial in sexual intercourse.
What the what the?
Oh, my goodness. I am so excited for the videos and for the zoom calls. I’m hoping I can join in during my travels. Thank you, Mary Ann!!! P.S. Those kitties are the cutest. I am so glad they found you!
LOL!! For most of my life my father called me by my sister’s name. Not sure if there is a remedy for that. So nice to hear the progression of your relationship with the new roommates. ❤️
I just watched the first OMG video! super fun to watch you mix up a whole bunch of color and make some marks on a page. love how the colors look on the gray/toned paper.
Yummy AND delicious!!! Thanks Mary Ann! ❤️❤️❤️
Oh drat. I will not be able to join the first zoom as I am traveling. If I can join I won’t be painting – so it will be entirely voyeuristic. Mary Ann your way of working has really changed since the first edition of OMG. It is useful to see the changes. Thank you for doing these videos and zoomies. It was such a pleasure to see you, hear your voice & to watch your palette explorations
Ps i love the crossed tails!
Gee mam you stumped me. Had to look up dendrites. I bet I am not alone.