you go to petaluma, you go to acre coffee. period.

anderson valley on the way to the mendo coast

goodlife bakery & coffee mendocino

our house for the week!

big river beach
russian gulch state park

gathering the ocean energy
fort bragg

lost coast found vintage shop and portal to larry spring’s museum of common sense physics. GO HERE NOW.

Say hi to Mo. Maybe you’ll get lucky and find another vintage glass coffee jar for your shell collection.
Picture #2 . Do all the Moss sisters indulge in some expensive magic skin potion? EVERY face is glowing !!!! Or is it genetic ?
bless you missus joan coats. it’s a look-into-the-sunshine shot. makes everyone look splendid. ha ha ha ha ha!
You take the best photos! I always look forward to your emails, both for your perspective on life and for your pics. Beautiful photos.
muchas gracias genie 🙂
Mary Ann…. I love Mendocino/Fort Bragg!!
I’ve gone every year for over 20 years.
I rent a home through Mendocino Coast Reservations.
Your place looks charming!
Wow Larry Spring is a real find!!
Did you get a chance to eat breakfast at Eggheads in Fort Bragg?
Another really terrific place for breakfast is down the coast a bit in Elk…Queenie’s Roadside Cafe!
Thanks for all your posts…. love your blog!!
i love knowing this linda. i hope to be able to say that one day…”every year for over 20 years”
tis a special place. thanks for the breakfast recs! xo
The Moss sisters know how to live! Have fun on your vacation and thank you for all the beautiful photos. I too have an old glass coffee container for my shells, thanks to you. It sits right next to me on my desk, and I will be adding to it very soon (Cape Cod).
oh cape cod! have never been and it seems like a foreign country to me. pure magic. enjoy it v.v.v. much kristi!
Did Dottie knit her hat? Wonderful wonderful.
dottie got her hat at a nepalese shop near the cascade mountains in washington state. she loves it and wore it all over venice too! she’s cold all the time, unlike myself who has several internal combustion engines always in operation.
p.s. i think of you and your son whenever i’m in this part of the world xo
I always marvel at your talent as a photographer. You capture the big and the modest beauties in life. I wish you had another month before school. ps: create a book of photos interspersed with sketches. Have the best school year ever.
most excellent idea sharon! thank you and i too wish i had another month…
the pics are wonderful; looks like perfect weather, too! funny to see Fort Bragg; my dad was posted there when I was a very small child.
thanks for sharing
hi debbie,
thanks. i think you’re thinking of ft. bragg north carolina. fort bragg california isn’t a military base it’s a former 19th century military garrison around the time of the civil war. long since defunct. and a lovely place to visit 🙂