another blissful day roaming around in bare feet. as much as i love to see the world, i also love to Be Here Now. in this exact place. doing these exact things. day in. day out.
i’m putting this out there in case you are german and have a few good ideas for me. carol & i are going to germany next summer and i’m already looking for a place in the bavarian alps. we want to fly into munich and head south. so far i’m looking at Oberammergau, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, and Füssen. IF you’re german. IF you have intimate knowledge of villages in the bavarian alps surrounded by mountains or, IF you have some specific suggestions based on personal experience i’d love to hear from you. email me please. would love your input. we are slow travelers and like to ABSORB a place and mostly explore the local area. if that area is not jam packed with day-trippers on tour busses all the better!
while on lummi island i pressed a lot of flowers and taped them into my journal with packing tape. i’ve done this before and they hold up surprisingly well.
okay back to my hunt for the impossibly fairy tale village that no one’s ever heard of. or something. hope you’re getting up to something good yourself. see you soon!
Your journals have been a feast for the eyes and soul…I love the picture of “sistahhh” in particular. Her smile captures the joy you both feel when you travel together.
I’m coming to LA/Manhattan Beach with my daughter and her friend. While they are scoping out cool places to take photos (she’s applying to college and wants some photos for her portfolio), I’ll be toting around my sketchbook and capturing my take on things. Can’t wait to explore your part of the US once again!
A buffet of artsy goodness. I’ll have a helping of each delicious page, please.
but of course!
Was delighted to see another peek into your journal today!
I must ask you–that blue flowered stuff you used on tip-ins (shown in the last photo and several above): is it washi tape? Paper? It is so delicious–I want it NOW.
Thanks for brightening my morning!
yes! and you get find it here:
they have mailorder!!!
psst… Krün.