hola muchachas!
i’ve been finalizing the details of STITCHBOOKERY, my latest online offering and i think i’ve finally reached the point where i can provide more information. thanks dear judy from NYC, intrepid explorer and all around good woman, for making me scream with laughter when you mentioned the name STITCHBOOKERY in the comments.
i’ve been busy these last weeks. getting class samples made, shooting & editing videos, and revving the engine of my sewing machine. vrooom vrooom! i’m about 1/3 of the way done with class production. which means i’ve almost crested the hill. in another couple of weeks i’ll be coasting down the other side and when that happens registration will begin.
in december of 2009 i released REMAINS OF THE DAY. 4 years later along came SEWN. i always knew i had another paper sewing class in me. and just like clockwork here we are in 2017 and i’m caught up once again in the swift current of paper & stitching! it wasn’t until i pulled my sewing machine out of the closet 6 weeks ago and began experimenting, that tiny snippets of ideas began to catch fire. before long i had sewn up a few different book structures and started to feel like i had the makings of an online class, RODesque to be sure, but also something new.
obviously sewing on paper is at the center of all 3 classes. ROD was about journaling – recording the details of daily life inside the pages of a “found paper” book, stitching up a fabric wrap around cover, stitching on both sides of the page, gluing stuff on top, and writing. SEWN was all about lanterns, patterns, paper panels, and pinwheels.
STITCH*BOOKERY will be a different adventure – revisiting the sewn page via an entire series of gorgeous new book structures. some are sewn into a spine with a fetching new bookbinding stitch, others are folded, wrapped, or tucked into simple handmade book cases. the best part of all? having all of those scraps you’ve been hoarding for just the right project finally out of the storage bin and onto the pages, covers, and cases of books where you can see them!
a key difference from ROD will be the fact that the stitched together books in STITCH*BOOKERY are considered a fait accompli! naturally, you are free to take the ideas i present and reach your own conclusions, add your own ideas, and repurpose both my ideas and those of your classmates to come up with something completely different. however my original thought is that when the last thread is cut, the books are complete.
throughout the class you will be on a hunt for paper among your collections, both vintage and modern. you may look through your past archive of random loose scribbles, doodles, and paint swatches for inspiration. STITCH*BOOKERY will not feature painting or drawing, however i will be encouraging you to sort through old practice sketchpads and painting scraps (if you have them) for loose bits to collage onto the pages of your books using your sewing machine. if you don’t draw or paint rest assured any ephemera you have will be perfect!
this is not a sewing class, but a sewing machine will be required. i’m using a cheap brother machine with very few interesting stitches and a faulty reverse. any old machine you have, will be perfectly fine. you’ll need to know how to wind and insert a bobbin, thread your machine, adjust the tension, and sew a straight line. if you can’t do any of those things you’ll have plenty of time to practice. there are youtube videos galore on sewing machine basics. your sewing manual will probably be all the instruction you’ll need and nowadays many machines come with video tutorials.
i’m imagining STITCHBOOKERY will have a similar class structure to recent classes i’ve launched. 4 weeks of content, delivered once a week, in the form of videos. the bulk of the class instruction will be in the form of videos, but there will also be blog posts with additional information & inspiration for you to peruse. i am also imagining that there will be a mailart component and opportunities for paper swapping. my classes always have the best & brightest class members with the most delicious ideas. if you’ve been languishing in a creative desert, STITCHBOOKERY will certainly be the cure. imagine growing piles of hand-stitched books collecting on your tables and art room. keep them, swap them, sell them – the choice is all yours!
in terms of membership, there will be the usual options ranging from 6 months to a few years. prices to be announced when registration opens. most likely in the range of $90-$120
in 2 more weeks i’ll have a promo video and registration can begin. i’m looking at a start date of late july. kind of late i know, but i’m headed to the puget sound in mid-july and it’s impossible for me to launch a new class and be fully present in the classroom and facebook group and also fully present on the little island where my sister and i are bound. i want to thoroughly enjoy both events!
in the meantime you may wish to begin sorting and gathering these items that i’ve used in the construction of my class samples. or you may wait until you watch the videos where you will doubtless find ways to improvise using supplies you already have.
- paper scraps of all kinds, both modern and vintage – see photos for examples
- an inexpensive sewing machine (no link provided because mine is not that great!)
- spools of thread in various colors
- book-binding needle & any color waxed linen binding thread like THIS
- for the book cases: 2-3, minimum size of 12.5″ x 16″ sheets of 140 lb cardstock – i’m using speckletone Kraft cover paper. a friend and i split the 50-pack, but you can use any 140 lb weight paper patterned or plain that you like. THIS link is provided as an example only.
- a pad of canvas like this one or 3-4 individual pieces of 12 x 16 canvas
- for the book pages: 2-3 dozen sheets of modern or mid-century (but not antique) ledger paper plain or with writing – any size 8×11 or larger OR any kind of paper with a neutral background that you find pleasing.
- 1-2 pieces of 22 x 30 90 lb. hot or cold watercolor paper like THIS
- any kind of dry adhesive roller
- lengths of elastic like THIS for a closure
- optional: 2 rubberbands like THIS if you want one of your books to be attached to your cover similarly, but not exactly like a “traveler’s journal”
- for measuring and cutting: scissors, ruler, pencil
the links above are provided as a courtesy only, i receive no compensation, monetary or otherwise if you should purchase from them.
Looking forward — so, there will be a LIVE session — and afterwards we can sign up for a regular online course? is that right???
I have all my supplies & am ready!
Supplies ordered, now gathering bits and pieces, looking forward to another of your wonderful classes!!
Count me in! Looking forward to spending magical summer weeks with you and a whole lotta paper!
Perfect timing! Can’t wait to dive in Mary Ann!
Mary Ann,
I am super duper excited!!! I cannot wait! I am definitely needing some inspiration especially in book-making… I am going to start stacking the supplies and paper beginning this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t wait!!
Howdy MAM, It has been a while since I commented so I thought I’d check in to let you know I read today’s post. Looks like you’ve been a busy little bee, planning and plotting an amazing experience for your fellow art students. Something else I wanted to pass along to you happened yesterday. When my husband went to the mailbox, LO and behold! The latest issue (July-August) of Cloth, Paper, Scissors was tucked inside. As is my custom, I “saved” looking at it until bedtime. Imagine my surprise to find several articles about sketching in public, especially while traveling. Naturally, I thought of YOU and the many places you have sketched, always on the hunt for a good place to memorialize in one of your travel journals. There were tips about getting over shyness about sketching in a public place….which clearly is not an issue for you. 😍
There also were several articles and suggestions on packing art supplies when you travel. Some people were minimalists, carrying only the most basic things. Others tips were regarding being TSA compliant if you are flying. Still others were clearly trying to carry as many things as possible without renting a U-Haul! 😉
So I thought I’d pass that along. For those that don’t sketch or don’t want to take along art supplies, they suggested sending yourself a postcard from your travels with details of what you did and then binding them together after you get home. One article specifically talked about sending post cards that you sketch yourself and use those in a journal after you get back. This issue was jam packed with ideas for using your art supplies on the run, as well as things you can do ahead of time to prepare your journal for things you encounter on the journey.
Happy planning for your summer time class, as well as your summer get away. You certainly need and deserve both! I have found that half the fun is the anticipation and research for an adventure!
Oh – the link to the waxed linen thread does not work. Could you offer a new one? THANK YOU!
yikes! will do thanks!!!
here’s the correct link:
Thank you!
I’m wondering how much we need, and if we need a particular weight.
Oh my. SUPER excited and CANNOT wait. This is totally going to be my escape, along with “our” trip to the puget sound. We are all going right? Have you and sister made journals for the trip? I am not packed yet – clearly, I have some looking to do, but I am truly ready.
i know sister will be blogging and i will probably do at least a couple of posts! looking forward to the weather! you better start packing. def bring a sweater 🙂
It is currently raining in the very green PNW. Loving it. It’s a warm rain.
Can’t wait! Can’t wait! I am more antsy than you kids at school! I NEED that creative kick in the butt! When you first blogged about this class, I started SPRAY PAINTING again! Really — stencils out, old fashioned cans of spray paint and FUN! To bring me full circle from my first classes with you til this on.
I will be waiting for the sign up —
aw good old Stencilry…sounds like fun. i haven’t cut a stencil portrait in YEARS…
see you in class Claire 🙂
I’m so excited!!
Hi Mary Ann: Thanks for the info on the new class. I was wondering how this differs from the ROD class. Are there no hard book covers for this new class. Jazzed either way. Feel a little dumb asking but what the hey.
an excellent question rosemary! in ROD i made 1 book structure with a wrap around fabric cover. the pages were each different – a classic mixed paper book block. it was intended to be a journal or a funky scrapbook of sorts – photos and writing were added to the pages.
the book structures are different in the new class, there are more than 1 to start with, the pages are thicker/sturdier, some of the books are folded versus made into signatures and sewn into a spine, others ARE sewn into a spine, but even these are different than the ROD pages. every single thing on the page is stitched down versus gluing some elements to the pages. there’s no journaling space left for writing. for one of the books there are cases that the finished book is placed inside.
the biggest change i would say is the variety of different books we’ll make and all the variations of each. you’ll end up with a stack of books that are super fun to make – and when you clip the last threads the book is done. i think of them as collage books ….
If registration is limited to only a certain number of participants I will be really really really really bummed if I don’t get in. Just sayin’ . . . . .
This is going to be my summer vacation.
no limitations on the number of participants – but i will close registration for a bit after the first week of class. will reopen once the “LIVE” session has completely ended.
i’ll save a seat for you. near the bar.
ha ha ha ha!!!
We adore all of your classes and this one will be amazing!!! Thank you for pulling this off for all of us!! xoxoxo have a great visit with sister…. ~KIKI p.s. have a drink on me! xoxo
I have oodles of paper and have been scouting for paper ever since you mentioned this class weeks ago! So glad this is happening! There is never enough paper, and sewn paper is so much fun!
This is beyond awesome. I returned from art and soul in April to a flooded studio. We are a long way to restoration/recovery but, this class will do It!
Thank you so much! Now I have to go dig in the garage for my art supplies.
Girl, I can’t wait!
Sure looks fun!!
So excited to participate in a new MAM book class! Now to the fun of gathering supplies….
I can’t wait to sign up!!! You are pure magic.
Drooling already.