the race is over. election season has come to its sad conclusion.
here in the deep blue state of california we all trudged into work this morning, exchanging looks with each other, making comments, in solidarity over our shared sense of loss.
a parent brought me some delicious apples & tasty snacks.
and i flipped through the kids’ sketchbooks. this belongs to a girl who likes cat dresses.
this belongs to another lass from class.
i started to cheer up a bit.
then julie, who likes to record my use of idioms in class, showed me this and i had a nice loud department-store-santa laugh.
wyatt’s tumor is regrowing on his head and that’s got me worried. it’s so close to his eye that i’m not sure there’s any course of action to take except wait and see.
i strongly dislike the animal hospital i usually take him too here in highland park. they always overbook and you end up waiting in a tiny room crammed with dogs and yowling kitties. the vets are rushed and most have lukewarm bedside manner. my neighbor susan has been seeing the same vet since the ’90s and she loves him. i managed to get on his waiting list, but can’t get in until early january. am thinking it will be best to just sit tight and wait rather than rush around getting different opinions and chasing my tail.
i guess that’s what we’ll all be doing in the coming months. sitting tight. trying not to let our dramatic imaginations construct a doomed future.
i’m off to eat a giant oregon apple. see you soon!
I also meant to tell you that i adore your students drawings. Not in a “oh aren’t they adorable” kind of way but rather “oh I love the quality of their lines, the energy, the emotion in each image” kind of way. The finger and thumb pinched together is glorious. I have a whole story made up about the character that hand belongs to. There’s something very Roald Dahl about it I must say.
I’m sorry to hear about Wyatt! I’m sending him all the healing vibes I have. I too am sitting tight, trying not to let my dramatic imagination run away into imagined doom. Interesting times we’re in.
I accidentally put in my email instead of my website name in my comment. Making that correction.
The electors in the electoral college vote on December 19th. They are not bound by the constitution to vote for Trump. This is actually why we have the electoral college, in case the country goes nuts. I hope somehow, that there are a few that are courageous enough to vote for someone else. In the meantime, read Michael Moore’s suggestions in The Huffington Post.
Pets are such a big part of our lives. I’m sorry about your cat.
i love yoko ono’s reaction…you can hear it here:
eerily similar to mine and most women i know. ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
I’ve been jawing on pre- and post-election with my FB, so I’ll shut up here. And just enjoy the pictures. And your idioms. I can sure believe you’re anxious about Wyatt. Fortunately, I have a wonderful animal hospital near me that I take my crew to. Love your November page, especially the fruit. So, yes, we’ll hang on. And keep making our art. Because our art sustains us.
Dear Mary Ann – sorry to hear about Wyatt, I hope you are looking for a new Vet. As our pets age and have problems, its so important to have a Vet that you trust and is honest and supportive. We recently had one of our old lady cats pass and the love and support of the entire office at the Vet’s was so important to us humans and to Sappho our beautiful girl.
I love seeing the work of your students! How might my life have turned out differently if I’d had a supportive art teacher like you when I was young?
I am talked out about the election – but agree with everything I’ve read here. Make art, spend time with family and friends, keep breathing – I am optimistic that it will not be as bad as we are all imagining… but then I’ve been dead wrong about everything so far.
sorry about your lady cat 🙁
Dear Mary Ann, i’m so sorry to read about Wyatt and your worries about him. I hope you’ll find a good vet for him soon.
To know so many persons in the USA don’t share your standards and values must be sad. I am afraid here in the Netherlands (and the rest of Europe) soon we will be in the same situation. And there is so little we can do about it. A hug for you and one for Wyatt.
Thank you for sharing the drawings; I feel embarrassed that this is the world that the children are living in. I can only hope their youth shields them from truly understanding the depths.
I slide back and forth between denial of our new national reality and rage; half the country is in mourning over here, and it’s an exhausting process. A friend asked if I was channeling my feelings into my art and I have to say, no I’m not. I am inspired to make art when I’m happy.
Other friends are taking a love and peace position as their tactic. I know for my own health and sanity I’ll have to get there, but today is not that day. Speaking as a widow, I know that rage is a good hot fuel and it has its uses. It can burn brightly for quite a while; it gives one strength to walk the path that actions (not of your own doing) have thrust one upon. It is a fuel that burns hot, and burns up, and will leave one shaken and depleted in its wake. But, that’s the fuel that I’ve got for now. Do what you can, with what you have, starting where you are.
Sending love to Mr. Wyatt and you.
Ahhhhhh, Mary Ann I am so sorry about Wyatt. I’ll keep you both in my thoughts and heart while you wait it out. I’m still in slight shock over what went down on Tuesday. I just don’t have the words at the moment and the words I do have; well lets just say they are not appropriate for public spaces. Love your kids art so much and happy they can make you smile and grin. Sending you hugs on the wind for you and your sweet Wyatt.
Oh no @Wyatt! I will keep him and you in my prayers. One big weakness I have, and it is a bad one, is worrying over my pets. If they are sick, I literally cannot eat or sleep. I practically make myself ill with worry and concern.
I LOVE your painting up top, and of course the children’s various renderings! Nice of that person to bring the teacher not just one apple, but many! Well deserved, I might add.
As far as politics, I have purposely compartmentalized my life in that regard. I comment some on FB but try to keep others in mind who will see it and try to remain respectful of my audience. On Instagram I don’t put politics on my page, except to post nongeneric art I have done on the subject, such as, that I voted. Not who, but my feelings on the matter, BUT I don’t think anyone could tell what candidate I supported or not. I need one space that has nothing to do with politics and is my happy place. That’s just how I do it, not how I think anyone else should do it. One thing I will say is that I have grown so weary of the hate and chaos in general. I think most people just want PEACE.
I read this article this morning and found it refreshing, no matter which side one is on. It is time for the vast majority of people in this country to start to heal divisions, and I think this author has it right. I know I have been guilty of only seeing people by their political leanings, and lost sight of them as PEOPLE. That is what this article is about. I found some healing in it. It is okay if you don’t agree. It. Is. Okay.
Amen to that : )
we all have a system that works for us. that is GOOD. i’ve got a bit more of a take-it-or-leave-it attitude. i love my readers (like you!)i know through comments and emails, but unfollowing and unsubscribing is an option for everyone if they hear something they don’t like. this is my little space on the interwebs and occasionally peeps might disapprove, but OH WELL. it’s not very often that i get a bee in my bonnet here, but when i do it’s important to me that i am completely free to say what i want.
I totally understand and agree. Love you, MAM.
Oh Mary Ann,
Thank you as always for your honest accountings of your life and your feelings. Helps keep me going! I’m cheered by the fact that at least His Orangeness Mr T did not take the county I live in (and he’s got a house here in Palm Beach)…hallelujah! And that there are millions of people around the world sharing in our pain.
Poor Wyatt. Will keep positive for him. Sending love your way from Florida.
thanks Lee!!!
It feels like dark days ahead for America, I am still in shock that this could have happened. Unfortunately for me, I am moving from one red state( Texas) to another (Idaho). Easier to find like minded souls in Austin than it is in Boise, but they are out there here as well, lamenting, as I am. Those of us who practice Love and Kindness must indeed carry on.
So sorry about sweet Wyatt. Hopefully you can find a better vet soon.
Love those kiddos artwork, it is amazing.
Tumors are always scary, I think. It is that we can’t know for sure. The same fear that we have now after the election. What will happen? What will change?
Love the hands-some so good, some so…..good.
So sorry to hear about Wyatt. My heart goes out to you. And to all of us who are feeling lost right now. So proud to be from the blue state of Colorado. Have heart and carry on.
Hi Mary Ann. There’s nothing we can do but wait and see and protest peacefully if we’re not pleased. I hope Wyatt will be okay. Enjoy your goodies! Xoxo
Thank you for the drawings and idioms! You made life a little better this morning. Those contour drawings are simply amazing!! The future is bright for kids who were taught by MAM!! Thank you!
I’m sorry to hear about Wyatt-I wish you could find a friendlier vet. The childrens drawings are just wonderful. Feel fortunate that you live in a blue state–I live in Missouri and our entire state legislature is now red.
Ps hope Wyatt’s tumor stops growing. Saying a little prayer for him.
awwww thank you 🙂
That’s how it was at my school today too. At least NH was blue although not so blue as CA. I worry about this country. But those apples look delicious. Enjoy them. Erika
Oh, those drawings are wonderful, thanks for sharing them with us!
And I am so sorry to hear that Wyatt’s tumor came back. I hope you find a vet who helps him
When I got up yesterday and read the news I just couldn’t believe it. The world will change, and we can only pray that this will be a wake up call. That Trump won this election is a door opener for similar things to happen here in Europe next year. The EU might fall apart, radical people and politicians will gain more power. A lot will change. The only thing we can do right now is fight fear and anger, stay positive, spread love and hope.
Thank you for sharing. Even here in the red red state of Oklahoma, there are open-minded souls who are hurting and finding it hard to grasp that so many, including many of our loved ones, thought Trump the better choice. Today has been very hard, but I will strive for a kinder and more positive tomorrow. It makes me happy to see your and your students’ drawings. Sending hope and positive thoughts for the world, and for your Wyatt in particular.
Love the list of idioms. I use a lot of those too! Sorry to hear about your cat. My slogan for today is “keep calm and carry on.” I am disgusted about Trump winning and what that means for all the things I hold dear: stopping pollution and climate change, putting land aside for wild animals to survive and for Americans to recharge their souls, affordable healthcare. I am very afraid that the Republicans are going to turn policies around such that we are back to Love Canal being on fire, and that being acceptable. I don’t want to go backwards! I want clean air and water. I want to have an open heart and think that grace and justice will prevail but it doesn’t seem like it now.
Thanks so much for sharing your students’ delightful art. Lifted my spirits. Also luscious red pears. Thinking of Wyatt….
oh no! wyatt! I am so sorry….your student’s pages are wonderful…and…i cried all day…
Poor Wyatt. You could buy him a little sun hat to keep the rays off. The election result was a shocker. I just have to hope that he doesn’t do too much damage. Who knows. He could do something really dumb and be impeached. But then we get the other one. CA will now be a green state of stoned for the next 4 years.
Hi MAM: ) sorry about Wyatt – sounds like he’s been through this before and hopefully will get through it again – I’ll keep him in my prayers for you : )
You know, I’ve been glued to the TV all day and I understand why people are sad – there is always – always a losing side in every single campaign-game-trial, etc. so if I may just add #8 to your student’s idiom list – “it’s just a hill – get OVER it” (the hill that is, ha). I saw this written in chalk on the side walk path of a 2nd – 8th graders 3K run last weekend and just loved it : )
Cheer up everybody – the best is yet to come – believe in a better future !!!!!!
Blessings, Sandra in AZ : )
I’m so sorry about your kitty. Perhaps one of your dear readers has a good vet you could see. They seem to show up for you in times like these… your readers.
I am completely flat over the outcome of the election. Its got me questioning everything I believed about this country of ours and what people value. Everything I believed about us as a whole, has been turned upside down. Time to disconnect and get quiet.
Thanks for your heartfelt words and art from the children and the idioms. After slumping around all day I finally pulled myself together, took a shower, got dressed and went out to dinner with my husband. Very quiet at the pub, no one there but the staff, all subdued and understanding of our feelings (I live in dark blue South Whidbey Island in the blue state of Washington). Connected with a friend, commiserated with her over a drink and have now come home. Am going to do a small painting – for a card for Hillary.
Her mailing address is P.O. Box 5256, New York, NY 10185-5256, in case it would make you feel better to make art for a purpose. I’m especially drawn to the colors purple, blue and red.
My niece who is living in Italy was going to return home to the US next May. Now she and her husband don’t want to come back to trumpie. So they will probably find another country to go to. Seriously considering being their nanny when they move to Japan. Let’s enjoy the next two months while we can. And wait for the “good doc” if you can. Call them every week (or day) to see if they had any cancellations. Maybe they’ll be able to squeeze Wyatt in earlier. Fingers and toes are crossed for both of you.
Thanks Mary Ann! Your photos of kids drawings made me smile for the first time today. I am still in shock, but like you, I will not let my imagination run wild with horrible, even if likely, scenarios. 😬
So sorry about Wyatt. I shall be sending him good thoughts and virtual kitty scratches. And I will just sit here and wait with you.
Yesterday was a sad, sad day. I am now going to focus forward and live my life as well as I can. Practicing kindness.
Feels like dark days ahead. I hope I’m wrong.
Sorry to hear about Wyatt. I’ve been very pleased with Dr. Bragg at VCA Arden in Glendale if you want to try another vet. Keeping good thoughts.
those drawings are amazing! all is not lost!
The election? Mercy me! I never thought (never!) that it would end this way, that there were people that would vote the way they did.
As for Wyatt, find a place to go that gets you in, not having to wait for 3 more months to be seen. I am sorry that you have this going
on, and that you are worried, my friend.
As a cat lover, I am certainly with you, daytime and nighttime.
Shocked in the deep south. I knew she would win…sadly she didnt! Add in a sleepless night hangover glad I didnt have to go teach school but could spend this day painting.
NO DOOMED FUTURE…..believe in the good!
Oh dear, sounds like feline leukemia that has entered his sinus . It is not pretty and painful. I lost my Smudge a couple years ago from it. He had had his shots, etc. I hope it is not, but you might want to have it checked out. So sorry.
it’s a tumor probably from sun exposure – he’s white. most likely squamous cell carcinoma