i’ve come to the realization that most of my sweden photos from this summer’s trip fail to capture very many city buildings. maybe last year’s didn’t either, i can’t remember.
a couple of drama queens from our walk along monteliusvägen – a charming woodsy path along the cliffs of södermalm. it’s about 1/4 of a mile long and terribly beautiful. the views over stockholm are fabulous and the fact that you’re in mikael blomkvist’s stomping grounds adds to the excitement. i recommend an evening walk in a wind or rain storm for best effects and fewer peeps. because let’s face it, fewer peeps is the only way to roll.
last summer when i stayed in the neighborhood, i had the luxury of strolling along the path many times.
in my last post, or maybe it was the one before that… i mentioned how good it is to return to a place. each visits allow one to become familiar with the nuances of a place. now i’ve stayed in 3 different neighborhoods in södermalm. i love that. maybe next time i will choose another island to hang my hat. there are 13 others from which to choose after all!
when i flew home the plane’s route took me over norway, iceland, greenland, and the vast arctic ocean. snowy peaks, ice sheets, glaciers, and the bluest water.
from my window seat 35,ooo feet above the earth i was transfixed.
i love this photo taken out of the window of my bedroom. i return to it often. our apartment had the most comfy beds! i’ve put a link to it here under the PLACES I’VE STAYED category in the pulldown menu of TRIP REPORTS in case you’re interested in renting it for yourself. my review is very honest, which means everything wasn’t perfect, but i enjoyed it enough to stay again, and recommend to others. i try to be as honest as possible when i leave apartment reviews because i do so for future renters, not the owner. i really appreciate knowing all the details when i scour the rentals looking for my next getaway. and of course i am not compensated for any of my referrals.
i’m officially done with my travel journal and will start posting those pics v. soon!
sister and i are facetiming this evening for an art session and i’m planning to paint some photos i took of impressionist portraits from the tiny huntington exhibit van gogh & friends. i was there for a long walk this morning and decided to walk through the exhibit since i was still there at 10:30 when it opened.

one of my favorite bench locations was in mariefred, sweden.
OMG! has officially reopened for registration (self-paced now) and it’s 20 buckeroos off until midnight monday. i meant to mention it before now, but i’ve got summerbrain. anyway, everyone’s doing tremendous work in the class. the facebook group is still hopping. such a lively group of painting peeps!
keep me posted on your shenanigans!
Sweden, my grandmothers birthplace , is on my short list of places to visit soonest!! I hope to be able to very very soon and having your recommendations and pictures have so inspired me!! I must report that if ever you wish to visit Cape Cod MA – best not in summer, that I may have a very nice connection for you. A place just purchased by my dear brother , as the new Jensen/ Woodford family home. ( we had to let go of our Mom’s home due to nasty step sibs and conflict) Built in 1790’s on a hill side overlooking a glacial pond, in Orleans MA- the Captain Sparrow House can sleep many!! I have permission to invite art friends. keep this in mind!!
holy smokes! if this is a vacay rental, do share the link so everyone can have a look see. sounds splendid!
you must go to sweden. shhhhh. listen.
i can hear her calling to you.
I have to talk to my brother about the possibilities of off season rental. For now I was thinking of a gathering of personal friends on an invitational basis. Will message you!
Oh La freakin’ LA!,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,,
When I grow up I want to be You…..Eat, drink and merrily just like you.
This trip to Sweden truly makes me Swoon.Btw….recently found out I have 15% Scandinavian blood!!!!!! OMG….
Maybe I’m a wee bit Swedish. :))))) enough of me……
Loving tripping with you Mary Ann. Thank you ever so much for the take along.Xoxo
Wow- I am especially impressed by your plane photos. I flew home from Iceland last week and wanted so badly to see a bit of Greenland from the window, but unfortunately it was all clouded over. 🙁 Iceland is really pretty and if you feel adventurous it is a fantastic place to explore. And this year, like last, you make me want to go back to Sweden as I haven’t been there for 30 years now. Three of my grandparents came from there and I still feel a strong connection to a place I don’t really know. Thanks for sharing. Hugs-Erika
If I haven’t said this before shame on me.
I love everything you do, say, eat, and paint.
Sister, too.
Macedonia on your list? I’ve always wanted to go .
hmmmmmm….i will investigate forthwith!
I couldn’t get to the class, and when I went to your website and the classes page, it doesn’t say it is open.
yes but if you clickety clack you will see all is as it should be. i was thinking about spotted dick when i wrote the post and put the wrong link…but i have fixed it!
LOVE the OMG class and was thrilled you opened it up as a self-guided process so soon after you’d done the “live” version. Have been so enthusiastic and happy with the presentation and its contents that I almost composed a detailed email detailing some of where I’m coming from and why OMG is so meaningful to me. But now I will spare you that and just leave this comment.
hey thanks for telling me this. appreciate the OMG! love xo!!!
You are my travel heroine — both as to bravery in travel and joy in same. Thank you for every post and every illustration and photo. Truly, you cannot grasp what you mean to us.
100% OK.