i like to have some sense of continuity on my travel pages, no matter how small. it’s pleasing to the eye when the journal is seen as a whole. i’ve said this before…the travel journal is like a love letter to my future self. love letters to the places where my feet touched down. the places i saw with fresh eyes. in 30 years or so this will be important. i hate to think of it, but eventually my wandering will cease and my journals of adventure and intrigue will be the tethers that connect me to my former self. i’ll sit out under a shady apple tree somewhere in my dotage and say to my caretaker, “did i ever tell you about the time, way back when i was just a little ole 52 year old …and took a trip to stockholm?” if you keep journals i bet you’ll be doing the exact same thing as me in your future life. maybe you’ll have a peach or a pear tree to sit under. you never know.
If your heart is darkened by recent ghastly news events here in the U.S. and abroad, then go HERE to lighten it up!
Wonderful post. Looking forward to seeing your pages. Thanks for the link. It did give me a much-needed lift in the face of such much tragedy.
Beautiful idea and a beautiful journal. I’m also thinking that these are the days where I must take the chance to do what I can to live the good life, because one day I might be more confined because of limitations. Writing journals for your future self. I love that.
PS My comments keep disappearing so this is a bit of test. I’m using my work mail addy instead of my personal one, because I think your bloghost thinks something that ends with @home.nl can’t possibly be a real mail address and is directing me to your spam filter. Keeping my fingers crossed I will finally get through again…
I love how your mind works. I can’t wait to see “it” in action during your stay in Sweden.
I am really looking forward to seeing how this journal comes out! I love love LOVE the incorporation of emphemera and watercolor and seeing how your styles continue to evolve. Smiles on the video too.
Thanks for the uplifting video and also for YOU, who brighten so many day of my and others lives. You are an inspiration for FUN!!! Not bad, huh?
Great journal ready to go, and great little video to make the heart smile, thanks! Sharron
I wish I had thought about recording my thoughts at an earlier stage of life. I think having a computer changed everything for me. I resisted it for the longest time. Thanks for the inspiration.
You may just keep on rolling…and give up the ghost on one of your trips….so your grand niece is left to interpret all your volumes and pass on the legend of Great Aunt MaryAnn.
Maryann–I love your journal pages. I am working on my own journal for Spain & Morocco. Do you prepare the pages one for each day? Monday, Tuesday etc? It looks that way….I have to fir three weeks into my journal but I don’t usually prepare day-by-day…..hum….trying to learn from the master.
LOVED the story of the Iranian girls learning to surf. That is AWESOME!!!!! Love to hear stuff like that, to know that some happiness and light finds it’s way in. YES!!!!! thanks for sharing the link. Drooling over your journal pages and I enjoyed your insights, those of us who’ve ‘visualized our wanderings and findings are gonna be able to share some great stories, that is for sure. 🙂
That is a great idea. I’m going to try to incorporate this into my journals.
Your pages are so beautiful!