have you seen TAMMY? i watched it the other day and loved every minute of it. it’s silly, but hilarious and wonderful. melissa mccarthy is wildly funny. i caught it on HBO, but netflix probably has it. if you have the winter-will-never-end blues you may need some laugh therapy. you know me, always trying to be helpful.
i failed to post this shot of carol during our sunday facetime. i love the woody the woodpecker she managed to photograph, then sketch.
aren’t these journals nifty? i think so!
they’re made by susie lafond, who’s getting ready to launch her very first online class. i took a look at her promo video for curious bundles and it looks wonderful.
you can see it HERE.
happy tuesday pilgrims!
Carol looks seriously satisfied with her woodpeckers! And well she should! Melissa McCarthy is a hoot. Will have to check out Tammy. Thanks.
The Susie LaFond class looks like a carbon copy of Remains Of The Day. Even the description sounds like you. Is this a friend of yours? If not, I think it’s highly commendable of you to promote her. Not something I could do.
Are you going to take her class? You have amassed enough fabric, papers, photos to do what she does. I have given all my fabric away, all my quilting supplies. I’ll be curious to see what you come up with. Thanks for sharing your finds on the wide wide web!