i'll just be here. using my ultramarine gouache & a paintbrush to "sketch" flowers. a bird may make an appearance.
maybe the sneaky hummingbird-nectar-stealing oriole that visits every year at this time.
i spotted him flashing his golden wings in the tippy tops of my oak trees. love that guy!
let me go grab my camera and try and capture him.
p.s. joan coats you darling woman, the handmade chocolate bunny arrived.
Glad you’re sketching away and enjoying the spring. It’ll be mid 80’s here today & thru the weekend.
Those bright blue primroses on ledger pages look wonderful. You sure know how to make a page look good with combinations like that. I’m also enjoying your enthusiasm for birds (and everything else!). Bless you!
Oooooh! Lovin that utramarine and that primrose so much! It’s beautiful! Years ago I had a flower like that, but of course it died here in the land of the frozen tundra, and I can’t find one again. I have short ones, but even those supposedly “hardy” ones do not survive the brutality of our winters.
Thank you for making me brave enough to draw teapots again!