tiger's eye genuine watercolor from daniel smith makes great sand.
it's a "special" color i was afraid i wouldn't use, but find it's actually quite versatile. it mixes nicely with other colors and the granulating effect is spectacular. in a subtle way. if that's possible.
i added a little somethin-somethin to my car sketching scene from last sunday.
yesterday on one of my scenic-wild-goose-chase drives home from chinatown i spotted this queer little cottage.
so i pulled over and set about capturing it. i would like to put it in a line-up and have the owner identify it. i'm almost positive she wouldn't be able to, but you never know.
it totally looked like that in my mind.
hope you're well. and happy. and getting ready to climb into your rowboat and paddle off to somewhere grand.
i'll just be here at moss cottage, where all the women are strong, all the cat's are good-looking, and all the ideas are above average.
I was laughing out loud, about the line up. I read somewhere Perfect resemblence is so overrated. Could not agree more! Thanks for all your wonderfull posts. I always hope to find a new blogpost from you… XO
Love it! Have a good day to all.
i’ll tell you exactly what he was thinking sharon:
why the hell did she give me, a gull of my stature, such stubby legs. hmmph!
Your gull…what was he thinking? He has a pensive look in his eyes. Thanks for the heads up on that DS color. I shall give it a try. Happy Sunday to you and the good looking cats.
That Tiger Eye is a swell color. I just finished a page in my journal that I’d used my watercolors on and I got excited all over again as to how much fun the medium is and plan to dive into my paint boxes again today. I *NEED* to sit my butt down though and sketch. It’s on my master list of things to do but I always push it down the list. I think I *SHOULD* make a shorter list but there are just so many dang creative pursuits I love to do and shortening the list would mean having to give up something just as fun….oh the quandary of it all. 🙂
I had to laugh out loud when I read your comments about the queer little cottage and the line up. Oh my! I’ve been doing some sketches of buildings lately and they are so bad….their owner’s wouldn’t recognize them either. I’m inspired by the Urban Sketchers, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to draw buildings like them. Oh well, I’ll just have to keep trying.
Yeah, love the colour in the black backed gull with his Tiger eye looking beady. Looks like a good colour for lotsa stuff, sand included.
Thanks for sharing your comments on the DS tiger’s eye genuine. That is one I have been eyeing but thought that I might not get enough use out of it? You have changed my mind!
Recommendation…The Railway Man with Colin Firth. It was a hard film to watch but was ultimately beautifully acted and rewarding on several levels. And it is based on a true story. Worth $3.99, for sure!
Love it! All of it! ;oD