thoroughly enjoyable! thanks for sending to me karen…
thoroughly enjoyable! thanks for sending to me karen…
Howdy, I'm Mary Ann Moss, the chimp at the helm of this ship. I've been blogging right here since 2007 and exploring the world & driving getaway cars since 1963.
You find the best videos! So funny!!
ALSO….I am going to download myself to the grocery store today…..LOVE THAT!!!!
Hooray for BOOKBOOKS!!! Totally clever and true!! I love to hold a real book in my hands!
Most excellent. I didn’t know that was how you pronounced ih-key-uh.
I have my bookbook and I am drooling all over it.
Thats awesome! My boobkbook is already dogearred, been loaned out and bookmarked! Love the video! Love IKEA. Thanks!
Thanks for the LOL, he even speaks swedish english, like me…
Best…commercial…EVER!! So clever.
Great spoof of the Apple ads. Very well done.
I laughed so hard at this when I saw it. Brilliant. Love that guys’s smirk too.
Ah, that scandinavian sense of humor.. Goodgood stuffstuff.
YES, damn it! Read on! lol
So clever, love it. I’m traveling, but know my bookbook will be in the mailbox when I return. It’s a great day when the new Ikea catalog arrives!
This is soooooo clever. Thanks for sharing!
What a hoot! Ah, the good ole days!!!!!!!!!
Can’t stop laughing, so cool.
This is fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing. There really is nothing like a bookbook is there?
cracked me up…hope bookbooks never go away! loved the part where it said no power cord needed…yay. and it doesn’t stop working because you didn’t re-charge it! tactile inspiration… 🙂
Awesome! I have a bookbook and haven’t opened it yet. I’ll be laughing and laughing as I look through it now. Clever, clever, clever. You’ve made my day.
This is an AWESOME little video. I saw it last week on FB and it was the best laugh I’d had all week. I never tire of watching vids like this. Good natured humor with a liberal dose of mirth and some ribbing thrown in for good measure!!!!!!
We’re finally getting a real walk thru the front door store in Las Vegas! Won’t open until 2016, but at least it’s going to be closer than the nearest one to us which was Los Angeles or Phoenix. The new store will be 16 miles from my house, but still.
This presentation of the book book was so clever. I’m off to get my very own book book.