meet rabbit. she is the new addition to the animal kingdom here at moss cottage.
she is clever and astute. alert to danger, yet possesses a slight devil-may-care attitude.
this hooked blue bird has also come home to roost. the happy hooker, mary stanley, who is off galavanting around france, made her. her etsy store is HERE, but there isn’t anything in it at the moment.
while sister was here we spent time out on the porch. this ceramic tray was filled with beach treasure. i decided it would make a good planter. a bit of cactus mix and reindeer moss later and i’m pleased as punch. 10 years ago my neighbors almost tossed it into the trash during a purge, but gave it to me instead. wise decision.
while i was at it, i potted a few more stray succulents i acquired in summerland. acquisitions all perfectly legal & upstanding i can assure you.
my propeller plant is getting ready to bloom.
The succulents look great, makes me want some. I will plant my catnip that I purchased though today, my 5 felines go crazy for it. Like the rabbit and the bird needlepoint too, thanks for sharing!
He looks to be a very wise rabbit indeed. Much like some other people affiliated with him. Yay for finding your webguru – I couldn’t understand much of the stuff on his website, so that’s a sure guarantee that he’s very good!
Your description of rabbit sounds autobiographical. She’s a beauty. Did I misunderstand, ’cause my picture of John wasn’t overall!
Where’d ya get the rabbit?! No doubt makes for wonderful company, he’s delightful!
O my. (blush)thank you for the nod Ms MAM. I am happy to weave the threads of moka between friends. (old papuan new guinea custom) Happy Summer Solstice too!
Love seeing the haps at the cottage!!
And your wonderful macro photos have encouraged me to finally LISTEN to that voice that has been quietly nagging me for a long time to give this a try myself. Scary and exciting all at the same time. That’s what we call living.
How fast was that rabbit going when he came through the wall? SV
Love rabbits, love your photography, loooooove birds the most, love gardening and succulents, your just my kind of gal! Correction, love Sketchbookery the most!
Love your new rabbit friend. I like the quote about time that your web master has in the picture.
Yay to john for making sketchbookery possible!
I love low sedum is in full bloom if you’d like to pop over and take a look!
LOVE the new wabbit! For a moment there – thought she was real. A friend of mine in Canada just acquired a wabbit named Saffron – she will grow to 30 lbs! Who knew. Succulents – some of my favorites. A Canadian Guru – best kind — “Only in Canada, you say?” lol, xoDonna
am loving the succulents,they don’t exist here,and the Canadian is pretty cute too!
Rabbit and bluebird are adorable, but I have some serious succulent envy here. The squirrels ate most of my outdoor succulents and indoors they don’t do so well. California climate is better suited for them than the Texas humidity. Only huge spiky cactus do well here, in my area at least.
I adore you new sweet friends at Moss Cottage. And all those plants and flowering beauties are pretty swell too. We’ve had thunderstorms move through since about 4 this morning so I’ve been sitting here, making the blog rounds while the clouds over head throw a raucous party.