i have come out from under a mountain of scholastic book orders and parent conferences to give you a wave. howdy!
the little classroom in the big city is keeping me busy. the chimp above was acquired on a recent field trip.
i've been sketching the contents of my medicine cabinet this week.
playing around with different pens. and sometimes drawing with the paint brush.
i like doing this in the evenings. slowly by week's end the page gets fuller.
i suppose i could make a medicine cabinet still life and capture the whole lot at once, but the higgly-piggly approach is all i can manage right now.
i'm still reeling from the return to working life. i could not have landed in a better classroom though. i am delighted with nearly every child. i finished my first read aloud of roald dahl's the witches today. on monday i begin the lightening thief. the boys are dying of excitement for me to begin as they saw the movie and are familiar with the book series. i also have holes, a wrinkle in time, and several others waiting in the wings. when i told the kids i'd be staying till june now one of boys yelled, "STORIES!!!" at the top of his lungs. "WE GET TO KEEP LISTENING TO STORIES!!!"
Hey Mary Ann, I just thought of you and wanted to pop over and visit. I love your sketches! Stories! I loved Holes! And I have the Lightening Thief. I may have to get Witches! 🙂 I used to have to read a lot of the books my kids were reading to make sure they were appropriate… which is how I got into Harry Potter!! 😀
my FONDEST memories of elementary school ALL center around a teacher reading to the class on a daily basis, YOU ARE DOING what is BEST for those enthusiastic kiddos. and my fav books from that time set are: SECRET GARDEN, TRUE GRIT & A WRINKLE IN TIME…..
the first chapter book I can remember that the teacher read was CHARLOTTE’S WEB. PS The GIVER was a great book , too.
love that the kids love being read to-i loved that too as a child. Mrs Piggle-Wiggle was one of my favorites (and yes, that dates me) so glad to know you got a good class
You rock! What fortunate kids to have you. Growing imaginations and wonder. I just picked up a second hand book called,”The Geranium On The Windowsill Just Died, But Teacher You Just Went Right On” from the 70’s. It is dedicated to “All those grownups who,as children,died in the arms of compulsory education”. I was one of those kids that fell through the cracks. Never liked school much and only had 2 teachers that made me feel like they were there because they cared about teaching me. Anyway,later I volunteered in my 4 kids classes and ended up being a teacher in our Kinder program in the social development room.(“Playroom” or “Rumpus Room”). Small groups. Good safe, creative fun. Lots of reading while doodling. I learned so much! But reading stories was always my favorite and the kids I had the privilege to read to always asked for more! Good on you! My daughter’s favorite 5th grade book read aloud was, “The Giver” by Lois Lowry.
Love your painting, sketching s and sharing. I just drew and painted my left hand. Made me think of all the things my hands have done! Sorry to rattle on, too much coffee this rainy morning. Looking forward to your next post! Happy Sunday!
What a blessing you are for the children in your care! Those parents should be grateful for the many joys you are bringing their children.
Aloha, Kate
It sounds like you and the kids are all exactly where you’re supposed to be. I would love someone to read A Wrinkle in Time to me after lunch with the lights dimmed.
I agree with Kristi. Paint for Michael Kors! Your representations are so glamorous.
Idea: maybe THE Michael Kors can purchase your beautiful watercolor of his perfume bottle for his next campaign ad, and you could fund your next trip! Then you could travel the world painting for Michael…and for us! Well, it’s just a thought… I can’t think of anything better to offer your students than a story. It stops all time and technology and allows them to head into the wonderful world of fantasy. I’m sure it’s a pleasure for you as well. Simply a heartwarming way to connect and step out of the world for a little while and IMAGINE. They are blessed to have you til June.
stories are enjoyable at any age. thanks for keeping us in your loop.
OMG!! A Wrinkle in Time brings back such glorious memories for me from when I first read the book in elementary school! That book became the source of nightly dreams, it fueled my love of science…it was a pivotal read in my young life. I rediscovered the book and the sequels when I was in my 30s. Even as an adult, I thought they were an amazing series and A Wrinkle in Time still remains in my top 10 best books I ever read. I am excited for you to share that story with your students! I can hear your voice in my head now, bringing that book to life for your young listeners…they are going to love it!
You are such a treasure, to your blog audience/students, and your lovely fourth grade class. We all love “hearing” your stories!
*The Lightning Thief* is a very enjoyable read. 🙂
I love this post dear MAM! I’m sure it’s been a shock to the system to return to the classroom! My husband teaches fourth grade and I’ve loved reading about your new school and students. What a wonderful bunch you’ve got, how fantastic for reentry. Your students comment made me grin from ear to ear.
And hooray! We get to read more stories too 🙂
Happy weekend!
Those lucky kids – it is a blessing to have a teacher who inspires!!
They are so lucky to have you.
THAT’s what school experience needs to feed students, Stories! Being read to by someone who loves it is a treasure forever. I’m so grateful you get to do this.
Your glass paintings are growing glassier and glassier
I’m so glad you are staying until the end of the year.
So glad you have a great class and they obviously love you! I love your beauty creams, nail polish and perfume sketches, too. And the stories you tell us out here in blogland…
Lucky kids. happy that you have found a place in the sun.
The boys got it right indeed….’we get to keep listening to stories’ you are the bestest story teller Mary Ann…in the whole wide world… I’m really glad for you that these kids have that something special and right in their world and that you are part of it, at least for the now. Cuz really, now is all any of us can be sure of…and a whole long string of ‘nows’ is what keeps it all going round and round…that is my world view for today…keeping track of my nows and peeking in over your should for a glimpse at your ‘now 🙂
I can still hear my fourth grade teacher’s voice as she read to us “How to Eat Fried Worms.” I’m not sure there’s a greater pleasure than being read to. Your students are so lucky to get a teacher like you!
You must be as excited as the kids who get to hear stories that you’ll be hanging out until June at your school. Congrats on the good luck. Think they’ll space for you there next year?
Hooray for listening to stories!
And I bet it’s a relief to have your spring all settled and not up in the air, in a relatively compatible setting! So hooray for that, too!
How wonderful to have such enthusiastic kiddos! So glad this class is such a perfect fit!
I felt the same way as your students today when I opened onto your blog and saw a new post from you..”..yay… More stories from you!” You keep us all entertained, young and old. Great drawings. Love your blog and art.
My kids love being read to as well. I think I could read all day as it’s the only time these 10 year olds are still and quiet! It’s great that they have such a thirst for books!
MAM as a life longer reader and lover of stories of all kinds, your post today really warmed my heart (and those of the kids you’re reading to, too!!)
I don’t really remember teachers reading to us, but I loved reading to the kids. One of the boys, on a trip to the library later when I wasn’t there, looked for more books by one of the authors I had chosen to read to them. He told me about it when he next saw me. It made me feel so good.
Your painting is getting so good. I am going to be taking a drawing with colored pencil class (and another painting class). I hope that I can show as much improvement as you have.
You go, girl! Your drawing keeps getting more and more polished…excuse the pun. You have captured the glass perfectly. I myself find glass and reflections very hard to do.
When I was in 3rd grade, our teacher read both Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and James and the Giant Peach. What a magical, delightful way to spend a half hour or so right after lunch. She’d bring us in, dim the lights, and begin reading. I absolutely relished every word read. Obviously your kidlets are feeling the same way. Awesome!
Your description of one of your boys yelling, ” We get to listen to STORIES “………it was the most special moment of my day, Mary Ann. Some moments may seem ordinary, but this is a very important moment, I think. As others have said, It warmed my heart.
You got cool stuff in your medicine cab. Stories indeed. So glad you know you’ll be going there till June, and that they know too. Lucky all around. The universe smiles.
Hearing of their excitement over storytelling warms my heart. Seeing those sketches and especially the perfectly painted shadows of those nail polish bottles makes me swoon!
This just warms my heart. I can vividly remember by 6th grade teacher reading a book or two throughout the school year. One of them was The Secret Garden. I regret that I never told her what a positive influence she was and fostered my love of books and reading.
How wonderful to have an enthusiastic group of children in your class. I’m sure the parents are behind them 100%
Happy for a content Mary Ann. and happy to see all the girl stuff! Better than medicine medicine.
Lucky kids! To have you!
Oh my god. That is incredibly moving MAM. That children are so hungry for stories to be read to them. How wonderful you are making such a difference in their lives.
Fantastic looking sketches too!
Love your sketches, you have inspired me to keep practicing. Maybe I could be a chimp in your classroom and listen to the stories as I sketch. Lucky kids to have you as their teacher.
And what wonderful stories they are!! So glad your year is with a nice class again Mary Ann… makes teaching so much more fun! (I am envious btw, this year Middle School is, erm, well… )
And face it, your return to working life has been made harder because of other things happening too… glad you can come back to a good place and have fun with your kids! Wishing you all the best and happy stories!
Isnt it said that no one reads to them and they love it so much!!! Good job!! Think I will have to get The Lightening Thief and read along!!