i can. not. wait. for COSMOS with neil degrasse tyson to begin tonight. it’s sure to be thrilling & wonderful! sharing it here in case you’re a NDGT fan and didn’t know about it…
i can. not. wait. for COSMOS with neil degrasse tyson to begin tonight. it’s sure to be thrilling & wonderful! sharing it here in case you’re a NDGT fan and didn’t know about it…
Howdy, I'm Mary Ann Moss, the chimp at the helm of this ship. I've been blogging right here since 2007 and exploring the world & driving getaway cars since 1963.
I didn’t know Jupiter’s red spot is a hurricane bigger than earth! Did you?
I read you blog I love it and the simplicity. You drawing inspires me.
I was wondering if it is a word press theme? Please let me know.
Watched it. Loved it. What a nice little shout out/tribute he gave to Carl Sagan.
I’ll have to wait till Monday to see it because I am NOT about to miss the finale of True Detective! I am so in love with NDGT…..can’t wait to see the new Cosmos. I’ve heard NDGT on the radio several times and I want to reach through and hug him.
Awesome! Thanks for the heads-up!
Love him! Can’t wait!
This is sooo cool. Geeks never grow up. And I will never stop using the word cool. So there. Finally we have a good science show back.
I have post it notes all over my cottage to remind me … really looking forward to this evening!
I LOVE that Neil Degrasse Tyson. He is a brilliant man. I look forward to the show as well.
Did you hear the interview on NPR yesterday? What a neat guy. Brilliant and very human and humorous. Can’t wait!