cloudy cool weather in the big orange tonight. if a storm cell sweeps in off the pacific and settles right over moss cottage i would not complain one bit. perfect reading, planning, project weather. what's shakin' in your neck of the woods? anything good?
Love, love, love this idea! I made a calendar of all our dogs one year as a gift to my husband with i-Photo but a year in the life type of book or a special trip or my recent move across the country would be the best gift I could give myself.
I am just loving, loving, LOVING the new style of journaling – this marriage of sketch and photo and MAM is intoxicating. I hope a class is brewing? A gal needs something to be hopeful on. Really great stuff you’re doing here.
Rainy and cool in Dallas, with a smattering of stitching and a sprinkle of art journaling.
Well, in addition to being Amsterdam inspired by you, I’m surrounded by richness of November colors on all the trees in Los Altos (when I’m back home, we pretty much specialize in plain green), I’ve a good book started: Christian McEwen’s World Enough And Time, subtitled, ‘on creativity and slowing down’ and I feel a sewing project coming on….
I love the page by page shots of your journal. Your sketching, writing always inspires me as well as such a lovely narrative on the journey and the place you called home for a few weeks. It doesn’t get any better than that, barring going there myself. We’ve got a snow coming, the sloppy, messy kind, lots of dark clouds looming so it’s the perfect day for working in my journal.
This may be my favorite journal so far! Love those shoes in the first photo. Well done!
Your Amsterdam journal, and your sketchings are just doggone awesome! Really enjoying them.
Looking at this journal just makes me happy!
As to what is cooking, the Stone Source people are coming to measure for countertops today and tomorrow the cooktop and oven are coming. I might literally be cooking before too much longer.
Love this journal. I think adding some photos helps enhance the drawings. Gives it a more complete view. It becomes more of the Netherlands as a big picture. You know, your views and pieces of the Netherlands too. Does this even make sense? Way to early in the day to get out what I want to say as I want to say it.
Wow! Love LOVE this journal.
This Amsterdam travel book… did you do it in a way similar to your Italy book– I think that was the one — where you carried the blank signatures with you on your daily adventures, filling them on the go, then bound all the filled signatures together later? I stole that idea from you when I went to Europe in the summer, and I loved it so much that now I do all my sketchbooks that way, even when I’m not traveling! Ingenious! Thank you again for that great idea!
– Tina
November is “gratitude journal” month around here. Thanks to your inspiration, I am sketching the things that I am grateful for in my journal this year. Today I “attempted” to sketch my husband…he would not be impressed with the result. I am grateful for him nonetheless.
Your Amsterdam journal is perfection…really!
Can’t tell you how much I enjoy seeing your travel journals. Your creative evolution has been fun to see over the years. Here, in NW Montana, it felt like a very November-ish day – tiny, tiny snowflakes all day long, chilly and the dull gold needles on the larch trees (deciduous conifers, whose needles turn gold and fall off in autumn) are falling off, lining our winding dirt road with gold. Saw an elk on our road near dusk, too. Spent time in the studio working on a journal page. A good day!
Hmmm, just watched last night’s episodes of Homeland and Downtown Abbey online. Been painting a lot, classwork for an online class I’m taking (Jane Davies’ Dynamic Composition). Hoping we, too, get some rain this week. Thinking of you, the end of your sabbatical year approaching. Hope you’re okay with that. Hugs.