Do you remember when you were a kid and you stayed out playing till the last bit of light left the sky? Do you remember how you could become wholly absorbed in the adventure of play? I do. And this summer I want to go back to there. With you!
SEWN from MAM on Vimeo. {feel free to embed this video wherever you want!}
I've cooked up 6 projects that form the framework of this class. But of course there are rabbit holes also to be explored and naturally I will lead the way down whichever ones I find. One lovely paper idea leads to another and another and another. I'm going to get you started, but then you'll be off and flying – sewing & pattern-making deep into the heart of summer. I want each project to surprise and delight you, so to that end, I am only revealing a few sneak peeks scattered here and there. The full monty will be revealed week by week. I believe it will please you.
The foundation of SEWN is built upon patterns. We'll start out painting patterns on large paper which we'll use in our projects. then we're constructing a super simple ramshackle pattern book which we'll revisit often during class. Think of it as a storage facility to store all of the patterns you'll be dreaming up. I'll keep your mind furnished with loads of inspiration.
From sewing up paper fabric, to making bright & breezy paper lanterns (decorative only not for lights) and super cool paper panels. You're gonna feel like you've been washed in a stream of ideas. I cannot wait to see what you make and where you go from here. Can. Not. Wait.
Rev your sewing machines, put on your party pants, and let's roll! Summer school is getting ready to start
- registration begins Saturday, June 15, 2013
- summer school starts with a BANG on July 4, 2013
- the class will be "live" for 4 weeks. after that it becomes self-paced.
- 1-2 new projects each week
- 20 videos so far with over 90 minutes of instruction. (there is not a pdf for this class)
- class blog will remain open indefinitely. no expiration date.
- an enthusiastic Yahoo group full of nice, helpful, people (who like to host paper swaps!)
- a Flickr group for posting class creations
- weekly video blog where I pass along information I think will be useful. I'll also share what I've been working on as related to SEWN.
- the supplies are simple: paper, paint, scissors, sewing machine, and a fertile imagination. there is only 1 "specialty"supply but it is easily found, inexpensive, and you'll have plenty of time to get it. it's listed on the class blog.
- This is not a sewing course, but a machine will be required. I use a very basic inexpensive Brother machine. It will help if you know how to thread a needle, wind a bobbin, and sew a zig-zag and a straight stitch.
I am late to this party…just discovered your blog…any chance I can still sign up? in?
Oh so yummy – what a great idea for the summer. Thanks Mary-Ann, like everyone else I can’t wait to get going.
Hi I think I love you and I don’t even know you. I will probably sign up for a class before long. I found you through Susie Lafond’s blog. She was talking about Full Tilt Boogie (class)(workshop)??
I love the video even though the class is not an option right now. I am as jazzed and inspired as anyone who is actually signing up. I look forward to seeing what beauty and fun come from all this. Lisa H. sent me here and I’m glad. Thanks. xo
NEVER did one week go slowlier =(, and though it´s the 15th here(in Sweden) soon, it´s almost 24 hours till it´s 15th in LA. The Earth is far FAR too big for us who Wait for SEWN (funny, it sounds like sövn (sleep) in Swedish) *lol*
Don’t go back to regular work MA, it stifles and strangles this sort of creativity. Write your own rules.
Not a flip comment this, it’s straight from my heart to yours.
You had me at the paper lanterns, but watching you paint in the opening scene is meditative and just makes you feel good. Just sayin’.
Not only is the content and promise of this class tantalizing, but your film skills have been notched way way up. They have the same keen eye that your stills do and your editing makes it all irresistible.
That’s the thing about practice, you just get better and better!
Oh my golly, can hardly wait! Your color choices are so vibrant and spot on…will you give paint brand and color names?
Oh my gosh! I so want to take it, but I recently purchased the ROD class, so I’m a little short right now. Hopefully I can do it later. I’ve barely started ROD so I have a LOT, LOT, LOT of stuff to keep me busy. It’s just beautiful! Good work!
Stocking up on thread and paper over here! Bet you can figure out a way to use a battery LED light to hang in the paper lanterns:)
please save a seat for me!
Oh, oh, happy, happy, happy dance. Just finishing up my first ROD journal and was starting to feel bereft. NO MO’!! Can I stand it? Nope. Am I frothing at the “whatever one froths at”? Yup. Oh phooee. No pdf to print and bind and sneekie peek when I’m at work. Eh, I’ll get over it.
I am SO in. Let the fireworks begin!
yay i’m super excited! papers and paints ready and raring to go! (i am a little bummed that there’s no pdf though, i like putting them in a binder and flipping through at my leisure)
What a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns, such a great excuse to play with some of the papers I designed in Photoshop, but never quite knew what to do with. I’d better dust off the printer and fill it up with ink.
I’m disappointed I’ll be away at the lake for the live class, and with only dial-up, I won’t be able to watch video until I get back — unless I spend a night a week in the local motel – that’s an idea, a vacation within a vacation! I can still join in the conversation, so that’s a good thing.
chris, the Brit expat, waiting patiently….
This looks like so much fun, MaryAnn! Like getting birthday cards with checks inside, a kitty kiss and the ice cream truck rounding your corner all on the same day. I can’t wait to sign up for it
Oh Happy Day! Sharing the love on Facebook, Instagram & by email! It’s gonna be great! Love the video…love, love, love!
I just got a new Brother sewing machine that has SIXTY decorative stitches! I cannot wait for this class to begin!
i am joing to be soooooooo jealous of all you lucky folks who can take this class now and live. i’ll be saving up pennies though, for sure.
Can I ask are the papers like scrapbooking 12 x 12 stuff? Or is there a brand or online shop you recommend? may buy some digital wallpapers.
Looking forward to another wonderful MAM class. Thank you for continuing to share your fun and artful adventures with us.
Looks like a lot of fun! Can’t wait to sign up! Love all the bright colors.Just got some lovely melamine dishes from Sur La Table that I may “borrow” for inspiration.
Aloha, Kate
I was just thinking that it was about time for me to give my sewing machine a jolt of oil – I better get right on that before class starts!!
Count me in, big time.
Okay Universe. You need to send my family a house. So we can move in. So I can unpack my art supplies. So I can play with Mary Ann Moss. I don’t like to made loud demands at you, Universe. You know I prefer the gentle asking. But I’m done being polite. SEND ME A HOUSE SO I CAN UNPACK AND PLAY. Okay. Thank you.
And thank you, Mary Ann, for being the best in brightly colored awesome.
Ah, fond memories of summer camp arts & crafts (tucked away in a hidden corner of La Cienega Park a mere 55 years ago). Oh, I’m dating myself. This looks absolutely delightful!
Fantabulous!!!! I know that you’re already an idea factory with plenty of projects, but you really could be creating/designing decorative paper, scrapbook paper or fabric. Your sensibility delights and inspires me as always!
Looks awesome!
YAY! I’ll be along for the fun! Just thought you’d like to know, one of my cats just watched the video you posted of the class….he’s sitting here staring at the screen. He approves. So I’ll be taking the class.
Robin music is
Christa couture
The declaration of spring
Looks like a blast!
Sounds like summer camp!
My partner Debbie and I are getting married this fall and I had just decided I wanted to make piles of pinwheels a la Thomas Campbell as the primary decoration when you posted that you were planning this class. I knew it would be just the thing to keep me moving along on the project (or get me moving on it). Looking forward to spending the summer with you my dear.
This chimp is ready for summer camp . My paints are ready so hurry hurry July so we can start. Missed hearing your chuckle after Ticket to Venice. Ready set go, yeah
Absolutely cannot wait!!! Everything looks wonderful……thank you thank you. Thank you…..
I’m dusting off my sewing machine, I’ll be ready! Loved the music in your video, who was it?
Count me in! Am hoping there will be some paper swappers in the UK too!
OMG the tease is over and now I can’t wait to play!! Yay
We couldn’t go on vacation this year and the week of the 4th is when we usually go to the beach so this will be a great way to take my mind off of the sand and surf and put my week off to great use! Thank you Mary Ann
Got my Hello Kitty Janome machine threaded and ready to hum. Super excited to hear her purr. Intro video looks so colorful. I hate wishing time away, but cannot wait until July 4th.
I’m in for winter so happy!
Just silently whispering ohhhhhh, i love it, preparing already =)
Yippee yahoooooo!!!!!!! dang girl, I am soooooooo excited. Do you want to know how many times I refreshed your page over the weekend waiting for smoke signals and signs for this grand summer party you’ve been plannin? This is going to be better than summer camp, better than a vacation to some far away destination, better than parades and lemonade unless of course that lemonade has a little something, something special mixed into it. Gotta party it up right ya know and this class already looks amazin’ and I’ve not even watched the video yet. I will be doing that right now. Oh yes…happy, happy, happy. xxooxx
Dang if that all don’t sound like the perfect way to spend the summer, way better than summer camp, way better than a faraway vacation, better than parades and lemonade, not better than a tall frosty lemonade jacked up a bit with a little something, something special but who hooooooooo not by very much is all I can say. I’ve saved myself a spot in line, truth be told I’ll be camped out right here waiting for registration to open. Do you want me to tell you how many times I’ve refreshed your blog page this weekend, scouting for familiar smoke signals and signs, so I about squealed much too loud for the hour that it is with the rest of the fam sound asleep,when I saw the details pop up, but who cares when Miss Moss rolls out a new class. Now just to sit and count down the days till July 4th. Start collectin’ this and that and what nots for all the fun to be had. Now to watch the preview vid. I’ve been savin the best for last. Sweet Dreams from MN at 2AM xxxooxx
So beautiful! I can’t wait to be on summer break and to start your class. Hooray!
You’ve seriously outdone yourself, awesome!!!
very, very cool, Mary Ann!