this is mr. mustapha our rental car contact person. he picked us up at the airport, took us to the petrol station, and we filled out all the paperwork on the trunk of the car. he spoke no english and we no turkish. the transaction was v. quirky & strange, but in the end we had a car. which…i mean…was what we wanted. although stealing one might have been easier.
we were told to meet him back at the petrol station 4 days later. at least that’s what we thought his hand motions meant. in 4 days time that translation would prove to be wrong, but that’s another story for another time!
we hopped in our little car and headed directly to the agean sea. ahhhhhhhh.
the parking lot made a most excellent place to put on our swim costumes.
we swam and swam and sunned and sang.
never discount the healing properties of the sea.
that night we sat outside on the hotel patio and filled up our travel journals with big thoughts and small observations.
the hot apple tea was sweet and delicious.
carol was ready to explore at the crack of dawn.
so we ate a hearty turkish breakfast and set forth.
then away we went with 9 million other poor slobs to explore ephesus. we should have waited till late afternoon when the crowds dim.
it was dreadfully hot.
but the scenery was magnificent.
incredible, moving, riveting. all that. but all we could think of us was the cool agean sea.
so after an hour of tromping about we bid farewell to the crowds and repaired to the parking lot to change into our swim costumes. our rental car made an excellent changing room.
we cooled off in the waves, a strange man named rambo massaged my legs, and then we drove our little car into the windy hills all the way to Şirince, a beautiful hilltop Ottoman town.
where we wined and dined.
and were not one bit unhappy.
everything was perfect.
savory & delectable.
and there were plates and plates and plates.
my bathing suit was still wet under my clothes. we were slightly disheveled. so it was very nice that the restaurant was completely unoccupied.
the next day we were off again to explore the 6th century basilica of St. John the apostle.
no mad crowds. and the air was cooler.
we sat with our journals and looked out on the countryside and wrote.
oh the lovely views in all directions!
so quiet and peaceful.
as usual my traveling keens carried me comfortably about.
sister wanted to stay all day.
but of course we had other trails to explore.
other drives to take.
I loved these pictures. I am so thrilled that you had such a great trip to share!