Carin, or Caatje as her friends & family call her, lives on a wild & remote Dutch island just north of the Netherlands.
She works on the small island as an archivist.
Nearly every room in her home is a creative space. She paints, draws, makes books, and sews from her cozy island nest.
Carin is content here on her island home surrounded by dunes, forest, and sea.
She rambles around the island on long walks taking beautiful photos which she shares with the world on her BLOG.
Caatje fills her handmade books with images, thoughts, sketches, and ideas until they are bursting at the seams.
And she walks. Everywhere. The island is her muse.
Can you imagine living in such a gorgeous island landscape?
Carin tells me that star gazing is breathtaking here.
This car-less island of Vlieland is remote, but perfect for a creative, solitude-loving woman.
Her assistant Peer (pronounced pair) keeps things organized in her studio.
You can read more about Carin's lovely island home HERE. Vlieland has its own website HERE with a webcam and several cottage rental opportunities. After seeing the Nautilus cottage, I'm ready to go!
in High Heels
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Off to Carin’s Blog!! might just have to go visit her as well. My paternal grands were both born in Denmark and I have never been!!!
Just wanted to say thank you to all these amazing comments and to the visitors who came to my blog. You honour me! Love, Caatje
Are your fingers ok?
Wow, that’s a face I know! I visited Carin a few times and her island many times. The pictures do truly justice to the landscape and her art. Nice Glimpse again.
I run into Caatje everywhere on the internet…thank you for sharing her beautiful island with us!
Mary Ann, how wonderful to put Caatje in the spotlight like you do here, she’s such a wonderful woman and artist! Caatje: wave at the waves for me, will ya – I really miss them.
I feel like I’ve been on vacation and visited a friend all at the same time! Wonderful post! XOXO
Wonderful, and I want to go there now, too. I clicked over to her blog and found posts from 2011. Can you shed some light on this?
I am new to your blog and I love it!
Uh-oh… now I’ve got another blog to stare at and drool over. I’ve already started gessoing pages in a flimsy paged-Moleskine and want to try some new ideas based on what Caatje is doing at her site. Plus I want to try a few of her ideas on a travel journal I’ve created based on what I have learned from you… All this creativity is making me very, very happy.
I hope you are continuing to enjoy your leave of absence from school… and your wonder-filled work both inside and outside of Moss Cottage.
Loved the new glimps and adored the blog of Caatje, hartelijk dank (that is ‘many thanks’ in Dutch), greetings – also from the Netherlands, Bregtje.
Thank you for the wonderful post about Caatje! I loved seeing her beautiful face! She is a generous artist who shares so much on her blog it is a constant source of inspiration for me – like yours Mary Ann. And Peer – well, every studio needs a manager, right? 😉
heartfelt thanks!
Magical! Thank you both for sharing all of this beauty and inspiration.
You should go! I was sure that was what this post was leading up to. I’m off to check out her blog–thanks!
It’s like a feature in a magazine when you do these compilations, sooo lovely. Carin’s art journals are sooo cool, and seeing a bit more from her life was fun. Thanks!
Ooh, goodies! You know, I was just thinking the other day, “I wonder when she’s going to start that Glimpses series again?” And here you are, I shall definitely read Caatje’s blog too. I love the Netherlands; maybe a trip is in order for Ms Moss? Thanks for the introduction 🙂
B E A U T I F U L L!!!! I’m entranced. Oh to live in such a magical and special place? Caatje’s home is as much heaven on earth as any place you’ve ever shared here, that I’ve ever been given a peek of. My heart is doing a little extra thumpin’ at the site of it all. Words are not sufficient. Thank you Mary Ann for sharin’ and special hugs to Caatje and Peer for opening up their home and their place on the world. I need to go back up and scroll through the photos at least once more, maybe even twice more today.
Caatje is amazing! Thanks for sharing her with your world!
Wow. Thank you for introducing Caatje to us. I’ve spent almost an hour on her blog. Love her and will follow her! Now I’m off to Flickr to pour over her journals.
My eleven-year-old son is ready to pack up and move to this lovely island and I must confess I would love to visit also. Carin’s art is gorgeous. Thank you for introducing me to another wonderful blog!
I have admired Caatje’s journals on Flickr for some time, and now I have a new blog to follow!
Yes, these types of posts really do make me itch for travel. Thank you for sharing with us!
Fabulous! The island, the journals, the studio, the kitty. Will head over to visit Caatje’s blog. 🙂
i would love to visit Caatje’s island. for now i will just have to continue to visit her blog.
Looking good Mary Ann! Thanks for having me over on your blog!
What an amazing lifestyle, so very different than most Americans….I was born on an island, Whidbey Island, Washington, but left at age two. As a wonderful gift from my parents, I visited the island at age 40. I hope that someday I can vacation/stay on an island for at least a month….I think it would an adventure and provide me with much solitude….and yes, those vacation cottages are mighty tempting!
I followed Caatje’s posts for a long time, and seen some photos, but not enough. Wow.What a beautiful place. I want to go. Thank you for sharing.