I am here today cooking, eating, reading, and walking. I've found a fabulous wide trail along a creek to walk. The best thing is that it's only a few miles from my house. But more on that in another post!
I've been rediscovering the pleasure of cooking. Making several recipes through the week and keeping leftovers in the freezer for the next night. This is slow cooked jerk pork which I made in my crockpot by following THIS recipe from Skinnytaste.
The salsa on top has avocado, mango, lime, cilantro, and red onion. Complete deliciousness.
Earlier in the week I made chicken enchiladas in an adobo sauce. Very spicy. Very good. I highly recommend Skinny Taste. The site is extremely easy to navigate and there are a zillion recipes to try. Sort of like the Pioneer Woman minus the butter & sugar.
I came home from my walk and plopped down in a chair outside for a long read with my kindle and a cold glass of water. The winter storm we had earlier this week landed in Kansas. My sister is carrying a snow shovel in her car. That's a true story.
I have a new little photo link button thing in my sidebar called EAT & DRINK. It has a combination of things I've cooked and restaurants, cafes, dives I've been to at one time or another. This post is heading there in fact, as soon as I click publish.
I'm gradually getting more road maps & signs in place so you can find what you're looking for over here at DFLA. There's another section of the blog now called LA STORIES – up top in the navigation bar. Well those two…they were twisted up pretty good. But I instructed the categorization center of my brain to sort things out. I think I've pulled all the restaurants out of LA STORIES and vice versa. There are still a couple of overlaps. I'm less agitated. That's all that matters.
Well after reading your post I found myself at the store at 10 PM. Then the next day I made the pulled pork, slow cooking it all day. Have you seen a grown woman drool. The wait was so worth it. mmmmm good. Now off to try some of your other goodies.
Catching up on a couple posts here but just had to comments to say HEY THAT’s MY CHINA PATTERN up there 🙂 I have a mostly full set (the cat keeps smashing bowls however… ) that was my grandmothers!! Big love for that pretty plate … and everything else of course :)))
Love your photos. Maybe it’s the time of year or a constellation thing, but I’ve recently started cooking more. Even made the no-knead bread again after about a 4 or 5 year break! But most of all we need to STAY CALM. I think I will ad that to a visual journal page! Have a lovely Sunday, now that all your days are weekends 🙂
That storm was a doozy. I forgot to put my umbrella down and the wind picked it up along with the glass top table and smashed it all over my patio. Now lovely sun and birds tweeting and cats stalking and dogs doing dog things. I will have to check out Skinnytaste. My diet has deteriorated to graham crackers and popcorn for dinner. Off to scour the neighborhood for free garden furniture.
Just had another thought – I always enjoy your music selections too – I’m currently listening to Lana Del Rey on Pandora whom I wouldn’t have listened to if not for seeing her in your ‘things i’m listening to’ – would you consider doing another section for your music enthusiasms?
I’m so glad you’ve put in a ‘books’ section. I had noticed the other day that (don’t know why its taken me so long to notice) that after a while, the ‘books you’re reading’ list gets changed out. And I was thinking, “Now what was that book, something to do with a 24 hour bookstore..hummmm..” so now you’ve got that all ‘spit spot and Bristol fashion’ too. (I think that’s an old sea dog’s term.) Master of your own bright seafaring craft you are, my friend! ps – i’m a bit afraid of cooking. Thank you for the suggestions and inspiration, maybe I’ll give that a twirl 😉 or at least think about it.
i’ve been wanting to try the pulled pork recipe. loooove skinny taste. every recipe i have tried from there has been delicious. would love the green and milder weather also. i’m in far, far northern ny (30 miles from canada) and it will be awhile coming here, 🙁 i look forward to reading your blog everyday, to see what creative wonders your mind has come up with. as anne (with an E) would say, i think we could be bosum friends. 🙂 thanks for sharing yourself with us.
I just love Skinnytaste. If you have a crock pot you must try the taco chicken chili. Wow! Makes enough for friends and freezes well too. I enjoy seeing all the pretty green things growing in your yard. Everything in Michigan is white and grey today, which I suppose is a different kind of beauty.
Here is my take on all this good and tasty stuff here, you cook, you wear a chef’s hat proudly, a pinch here, a dash there and whala, (not a real word but if you say it slow it should sound right)…whaaaaaallllaaaaaaaa… you get the idea, I know you do…you are not only an artist of paper and canvas,you adeptly and creatively wield, scissors, glue sticks, glue runners, paint, a master of pen, and ink, paper bows in your presence..not only all of that but you CAN COOK too and do it well, lest we not forgot the sweet woman who travels, trots and dances the world over, takes photos, makes movies and shares it all right here, right now…did you notice how I just ‘buttered’ you up, I know my way around the stove, tho I’m happier with a paint brush in my hand, but seriously…I mean really seriously YOU ROCK and the best part of all of this here, it’s real, genuine goodness, you are kind, have a delicious, edgy sense of humor, willing to dive off the deep end every so often, enjoys the pleasures of an awesome martini and tells it just the way it is…gotta love all of that…yesirre, really do. I can smell your cookin floatin’ in with the snow storm, which is a good thing since we are diggin out too… have an awesome weekend Mary Ann!!!! Keep those home fires burnin’ can’t wait to see what you cook up next.
just stopped to say hello. I enjoy you all notes of life.
michele that is my small knife leaf acacia tree and it blooms in late february/early march. its right by my front window so i can gaze at it all day.
Oh, please, will you tell me the name of that gorgeous plant/shrub/bush/tree in you photo were it says “I am here?” Please? It’s so very, very pretty!!!
The grub looks great. Thanks for the link. I must go there and avoid sugar and other bad things.
Yum. I will have to try SkinnyTaste.
Your winter storm gave us a foot of snow here at my house (KC). Round two is apparently headed our way Monday. I am gazing longingly at the plants and green in your photo. Spring WILL come again. 🙂
Ohhhh. Mexican Food is my all time favorite. Could eat it mining, noon or night.
But tonight we’re off to the Village Pub for New England Style Clam Chowdah, loaded with clams so tender and yum. I think I’ll have some Ciabatta for dunking and an ice cold beer! Take me away!