my orla kiely has a twin!
isn’t she cute?
sweet little notebookie gifts in popsicle colors from my art playmate.
i needed a new car journal and desk journal so these are good. when the brain needs to make a deposit there better be a notebook around to receive it!
i like to stick my nose in other people’s bags and see what’s hiding in there. no chocolate. darn.
but plenty of other fun stuff.
also i’ve been ipad facetiming with my sister.
and now my other sister is visiting. fun times at moss cottage!
hope you’re enjoying your sunday wherever in this big wide world you happen to be.
good question jessica. im planning to let it be stuffed full and eventually unclosable. you could though, cut/exacto out every other page leaving a small 1/4 inch spacer up at the top of each if you dont like the overstuffed look.
Sounds like you had a great time! Oh, and I LOVE your pictures! always!
Hey Mary Ann! I have a “technical” question about your little book. When you add bunches of paper, tags, and images to a premade book, do you just keep fillin it up till it’s filed to the brim, or do you remove some pages so that it’s not overstuffed. Just curious!
You & Pam Garrison together … That’s the ultimate art journaling dream team!!! Wish I could’ve been a fly on the wall…or cat on the patio.
did you get a instax mini camera? i didn’t know you had one, i LOVE mine!!! you are so lucky to have your other sister coming to visit, i have loved getting to know Carol, this other sister doesn’t happen to have a blog, does she???? happy sisterly things!!!!
Your little Orla Kiely is beyond precious.
So true about the brain deposits. You have no idea how many napkins, receipts and other paraphernalia I have to organize because there was no notebook in sight. It is beyond ridiculous. The iPad FaceTime picture is the best ever!
Looks like you and your sister are having great times with the Ipad. The two of you together has got to be the best fun ever.
Looks like a lovely time was had by all! Glad you had a good weekend, my sunshine friend 🙂
Makes me want to click *Like*. 🙂